
My Top Tips for Brain Health

These top tips for brain health include easy ways to get your brain on track for the long haul. Small shifts in diet, exercise, toxic load, and supplementation can make a big difference in how your brain functions and how you show up for your day to day. Read on to learn how and connect with me for one-on-one support.

My Top Tips for Brain Health

Rekindling Trust

Living with PTSD is no walk in the park. Lately I’ve been struggling and that calls for digging deep. In the midst of my emotional self torture and feelings of doom something arose - a different perspective on an already existent piece of consciousness. A glimmer of the girl I used to be. Her desire to come forward. The sense of fear that followed. Vulnerability. Abandonment. Longing. So, I listened. I took note. I emailed my psychologist. I watched as this new imprint was laid atop an old one… like sketches of architecture layered one on the other, blueprints of a masterpiece. Read on to learn how this girl slipped away and what I’m doing to rekindle the fire.

Rekindling Trust

There Is Hope

Life after trauma can be difficult. Days, months, or years may pass before we realize that we are being affected; going through life with unconscious triggers and mysterious illnesses. Then, we wake up. We realize that trauma is at the root of our pain and even if it feels there is no way through, there is hope. In this post I share a bit about my journey and a few tools that help me navigate.

There Is Hope

Ten Mood-Boosters I Swear By

Winter can be HARD… AF… especially for those of us with Seasonal Affective Disorder. While we’re told the holidays should make us happy, sometimes they get us down instead. The grey days can seem unending. Long dark nights can put a damper on motivation. However, after an extremely long, difficult winter several years ago, I decided there had to be a different way. So, I spent that Spring researching, educating myself on all the bio-hacks to up my mood the next go round, in hopes I wouldn’t go quite that dark again. What I’m sharing today are my tried and true mood-boosters.. the ones that carry me from Fall to Spring, when the days are shortest and often quite grey. May you find something that peaks your interest and don’t forget to share your hacks too. Simply comment on this post or share with me on social media.

Ten Mood-Boosters I Swear By

Why I Gave My Vegetarian Diet a Break and How I Leaned In To Meat

Hello there! In today’s post I’m sharing why I gave my vegetarian diet a break and how I leaned in to meat-eating. While this post is about my journey away from vegetarianism, the underlying message is about much more than food. It’s full of nuggets that will help you tune in to your own intuition, creating a more inspired version of yourself. I’ve also included a link to an older post, Nurturing Nourishment, that takes a deeper dive into the bigger picture of food sourcing, environment, and human health. I hope you enjoy both and pull from them your own inspiration! On that note, will you join me in committing to more mindful and intuitive choices this holiday season, whatever that looks like for you? Cheers and Happy Holidays! XOXO ~Amanda

Why I Gave My Vegetarian Diet a Break and How I Leaned In To Meat

What Weekends Are For

It seems that everywhere I turn I hear “I’m so busy!” These days people seem busier than ever and in my observation all this busy-ness doesn't seem to be contributing to increased happiness; just the opposite. As work and community demands increase we must learn to say yes to what really matters and no to everything else. We’ll always have obligations that we don’t enjoy, so what I want to ask is this.. Are you making room for the things you do?

What Weekends Are For

Wake Up Before You Wig Out

Sometimes, it seems we get stuck on autopilot and before we know it the very things we put in place to make our life easier and more vibrant are actually causing panic and overwhelm. While I love a good routine (I am a Taurus after all) it can sometimes get the best of me. Maybe my body would benefit for (gasp) something other than Bulletproof Coffee every now and then. Maybe I don’t need to do the exact regimen my physical therapist laid out for me day in and day out. What if my body wants a break from a certain supplement? How do I handle it when my to-do list is too long and seems never-ending? What about all those obligations? It all comes down to presence.

Lately I’ve found myself feeling more overwhelmed than usual and a big part of the issue has been ME. I’ve been second guessing my intuition, trying to do too many things at once, and looking too far ahead on my schedule. Sure, I’ve had a lot to do and probably over-scheduled myself in a few areas, but that wasn’t really the problem. The bigger issue was that I was not paying attention in the moment and I was definitely not practicing presence. When I realized this I began to make adjustments and everything got easier. Would I put an adaptogen in my coffee? Follow my intuition. Long week of appointments and obligations? Focus on one at a time. Staying present makes a huge difference in my life and I think you’ll benefit too. It is one thing we truly can control and has many positive benefits, mental and physical health upgrade included. So, if you’re interested in bringing a little more ease to your day, read on to learn what I do when I’m feeling overwhelmed and how I come back to myself when I’m spinning out. Enjoy! XOXO

Wake Up Before You Wig Out