
Pumpkin Lasagna and It's Grain-Free Good

For me, fall is about cozy goodness and all things pumpkin so, it goes without saying that I just had to share my very favorite pumpkin lasagna recipe. No, it’s not super deep, but what’s more satisfying than nurturing ourselves with wholesome, yummy food? Self care is definitely part of my spiritual hygiene and often times, when I need some extra TLC, or just a little pick me up, I open a bottle of clean red wine, crank up my favorite tunes, and get to cooking.

This recipe is a favorite in our house and I hope it becomes one of yours too! It’s full of flavor, super healthy (that part can be our little secret), and high on comfort. So, as the temps cool down cozy up with this easy breezy recipe and maybe even enjoy a snuggly night in with those you love. That’s exactly what we did this weekend and boy was it nice. XOXO

Pumpkin Lasagna and It's Grain-Free Good

The Pleasure Principle

I often hear people say I look so young or seem so happy. Well, today I’m sharing my secret for both.. PLEASURE! It may seem simple, but learning to live life from a state of guilt-free pleasure has taken awareness and time. However, once I started I didn’t want to stop! And, while maybe you have some learned fear around doing what feels good, I’m here to tell you that you can live from a place of pleasure and trust yourself to do so. There is no reason to fear doing what feels good, because there is a natural stop built into that plan. Too much of anything will likely leave us feeling.. let’s just say “not so good.” So, if we’re paying attention, and if our goal is to feel good, we will, over time, create our own boundaries in order to do just that. No outside dictator required!

The Pleasure Principle

Scratch That

I'm a huge proponent of eating local and Old Scratch Pizza is one of my favorites. The laid back atmosphere and creative menu options give meat eaters, vegetarians, and gluten free foodies something worth trying. Pizza is admittedly one of my go-tos and I have to say, with local pizza like this who needs a chain?

Scratch That