
A Few Luxuries to Get Your New Year Started

Life is all about the little things and that includes little luxuries that make our hearts soar. As a Health Coach one of the things I focus on with my clients is how they feel. How do they show up in their day to day? How do they experience themselves? Others? The little things? The big ones? In today’s blog post I’m sharing a few of the little ways I feed my spirit and while it may seem superficial if you work with me you’ll quickly learn just how important all these little things are. So, visit the blog to get some ideas and maybe jump start a few of your own dreams. As always, if you wish to work with me or want to learn more about how I could uniquely support you, you can schedule your free health consult here. Big love! XOXO ~Amanda

A Few Luxuries to Get Your New Year Started

Wishing Well

I hope this email finds you well. Today I’m sharing some of the things that are helping me navigate this unusual time. To be honest, I struggled with whether or not to release this blog post. That’s why it’s so late coming out. I didn’t want to give the impression that these practices are making this time a breeze for me. Quite the contrary. However, these practices help me come back to myself when I’m feeling out of sorts, on the verge of a breakdown… or after one has happened. So, no, I’m not doing this" perfectly and I don’t think there is a template for how to do that, because COVID-19 is affecting us all to varying degrees and in various ways. And that is why, I finally decided to put this post out.. Because I believe that no matter how uncertain things feel or how anxious or depressed we become, eventually we will make our way back to ourselves if we have a foundational relationship with our divine nature. That said, I wanted to give others some ideas of practices they could come back to when the time is right. Big love to you. I’m cheering you on from afar and I hope you enjoy this post.

Wishing Well

My New Year's Rituals

For me, NYE has long been filled with magic and excitement. Whether going out with friends or staying in alone, I love weaving these rituals into my celebration. They always make me feel more grounded and ready to take on the year ahead. I hope they enrich your experience too.

My New Year's Rituals


Compassion. So simple yet so complex. While most of us would probably say that compassion is a necessary good in the world, something we should extend toward all, it’s also likely that most of us don’t actually share compassion as often as we could. The reasons for this are vast - getting caught up in our own belief systems, so much so that we hold anger toward those that oppose us; getting tired of being hurt; feeling angry about life and all the wrongs done to us; on and on. However, the more research I do about compassion the more I see that none of these are reasonable excuses for withholding the very thing that most all religions call us to do- offer compassion to those in need. If you’re struggling with offering compassion in some area of your life this post will hopefully unwind your hangups with offering compassion when you feel it is not warranted. I also share philosophical reasoning behind why offering compassion ultimately works toward the good of all and I’ve even included a simple meditation for unlocking greater compassion in all our lives. I truly believe that releasing the judgment holding us back will improve our heart, health, and happy. It’s all connected! So read on to create greater synchronicity in your life, cultivating vitality and joy!


What Weekends Are For

It seems that everywhere I turn I hear “I’m so busy!” These days people seem busier than ever and in my observation all this busy-ness doesn't seem to be contributing to increased happiness; just the opposite. As work and community demands increase we must learn to say yes to what really matters and no to everything else. We’ll always have obligations that we don’t enjoy, so what I want to ask is this.. Are you making room for the things you do?

What Weekends Are For

The Pleasure Principle

I often hear people say I look so young or seem so happy. Well, today I’m sharing my secret for both.. PLEASURE! It may seem simple, but learning to live life from a state of guilt-free pleasure has taken awareness and time. However, once I started I didn’t want to stop! And, while maybe you have some learned fear around doing what feels good, I’m here to tell you that you can live from a place of pleasure and trust yourself to do so. There is no reason to fear doing what feels good, because there is a natural stop built into that plan. Too much of anything will likely leave us feeling.. let’s just say “not so good.” So, if we’re paying attention, and if our goal is to feel good, we will, over time, create our own boundaries in order to do just that. No outside dictator required!

The Pleasure Principle