
Playing with Shadows

If you were going to give it a try how would you play with your shadows? Where would you begin? Would it feel scary, coaxing you to run and hide under the covers? Would you write a play and use shadow puppets to play the main characters? Would you walk forward and back enjoying this darker reflection of you on the sunny sidewalk of life? Would you try to catch him or her? Or simply appreciate the shadow’s existence, the knowledge of that being enough to release its power? In this post I share how playing with shadows can give your life an upgrade and the ways in which I’ve been doing it lately! How do you explore the dark sides of your self?

Playing with Shadows


Whoa. Today’s post is vulnerable and one that just poured out of me once I found the courage to sit down and write. I hope it ignites something in you, maybe even serving to open a conversation with yourself about how you decide whether or not you are deserving of EVERYTHING your heart desires. This post has been churning inside for a few weeks now, but I had to experience the events of this past weekend before I could really put it all together. Spirit is rad like that. So much has transpired for me in the last bit and I’m in complete awe of how Spirit keeps nudging me toward MORE. Hopefully this post speaks to you and reminds you that you are worthy.. just by being you. XOXO


My Top Tips for Brain Health

These top tips for brain health include easy ways to get your brain on track for the long haul. Small shifts in diet, exercise, toxic load, and supplementation can make a big difference in how your brain functions and how you show up for your day to day. Read on to learn how and connect with me for one-on-one support.

My Top Tips for Brain Health

Do Your Work

Doing our work can take on many forms and, at times, feel heavy. So, I’m sharing my thoughts on how we can show up, get our ass in the arena, and invite a little sun in along the way. Personal work doesn’t have to be hard and I’d like to invite the idea that it’s not meant to be. So, if you need a bit of inspiration (or a reminder to feel free) on your life’s work journey, this post is for you. XOXO

Do Your Work

Finding Our Way

Is quarantine getting you down? Whether you suffer from a diagnosed depressive disorder or natural bouts of depressed feelings brought on by environmental stressors, the stay at home orders may be taking a toll. Scientists have now even coined the term “quarantine fatigue” for the challenging feelings some of us are experiencing right now. I’ve been open about the fact that I can struggle with depression from time to time and while Spring is usually the time of year when I notice a lift in my mood, the stay at home order here in Ohio has definitely brought on a second round of blues. In this post I share how I’m finding my way, including a piece of the last conversation I had with my psychologist (a very kickass woman I might add). Whether you are feeling a little blue, struggle with depression, or know someone who does I hope you find this post comforting, like a warm hug from a close friend. Big love!

Finding Our Way

Wishing Well

I hope this email finds you well. Today I’m sharing some of the things that are helping me navigate this unusual time. To be honest, I struggled with whether or not to release this blog post. That’s why it’s so late coming out. I didn’t want to give the impression that these practices are making this time a breeze for me. Quite the contrary. However, these practices help me come back to myself when I’m feeling out of sorts, on the verge of a breakdown… or after one has happened. So, no, I’m not doing this" perfectly and I don’t think there is a template for how to do that, because COVID-19 is affecting us all to varying degrees and in various ways. And that is why, I finally decided to put this post out.. Because I believe that no matter how uncertain things feel or how anxious or depressed we become, eventually we will make our way back to ourselves if we have a foundational relationship with our divine nature. That said, I wanted to give others some ideas of practices they could come back to when the time is right. Big love to you. I’m cheering you on from afar and I hope you enjoy this post.

Wishing Well

Ten Mood-Boosters I Swear By

Winter can be HARD… AF… especially for those of us with Seasonal Affective Disorder. While we’re told the holidays should make us happy, sometimes they get us down instead. The grey days can seem unending. Long dark nights can put a damper on motivation. However, after an extremely long, difficult winter several years ago, I decided there had to be a different way. So, I spent that Spring researching, educating myself on all the bio-hacks to up my mood the next go round, in hopes I wouldn’t go quite that dark again. What I’m sharing today are my tried and true mood-boosters.. the ones that carry me from Fall to Spring, when the days are shortest and often quite grey. May you find something that peaks your interest and don’t forget to share your hacks too. Simply comment on this post or share with me on social media.

Ten Mood-Boosters I Swear By

My New Year's Rituals

For me, NYE has long been filled with magic and excitement. Whether going out with friends or staying in alone, I love weaving these rituals into my celebration. They always make me feel more grounded and ready to take on the year ahead. I hope they enrich your experience too.

My New Year's Rituals

Fun with Oils

This week I thought I’d step away from all the deep stuff and keep it light with EOs. By now you probably know that I love using essential oils to help me stay dysautonomia strong and often lean on them for pain management too. BUT, did you know that I also like to use my EOs for fun, self exploration, and real life shit?! One of my biggest beliefs is that life should be full of joy.. even when going through the hard shit. No matter what my day looks like I aim to create moments of light and gratitude throughout and I often use essential oils to help me do that. So, today I want to share a few of my favorite ways to use these little guys for that extra oomph. P. S. they make great holiday gifts too!

Fun with Oils


Compassion. So simple yet so complex. While most of us would probably say that compassion is a necessary good in the world, something we should extend toward all, it’s also likely that most of us don’t actually share compassion as often as we could. The reasons for this are vast - getting caught up in our own belief systems, so much so that we hold anger toward those that oppose us; getting tired of being hurt; feeling angry about life and all the wrongs done to us; on and on. However, the more research I do about compassion the more I see that none of these are reasonable excuses for withholding the very thing that most all religions call us to do- offer compassion to those in need. If you’re struggling with offering compassion in some area of your life this post will hopefully unwind your hangups with offering compassion when you feel it is not warranted. I also share philosophical reasoning behind why offering compassion ultimately works toward the good of all and I’ve even included a simple meditation for unlocking greater compassion in all our lives. I truly believe that releasing the judgment holding us back will improve our heart, health, and happy. It’s all connected! So read on to create greater synchronicity in your life, cultivating vitality and joy!


Opportunity to Evolve

Sometimes an opportunity comes to be more of yourself than you knew existed. Maybe there was a snippet of the person you would become hidden in a secret longing or desire, a seed that would one day blossom into a beautiful rose. I had one of those moments this week. I have been grappling with a feeling of wanting to be more of myself in my partnership with Kevin. See, our relationship is a playground for my life’s big work and sometimes that means I get bogged down with judgment and fear instead of seeing the beauty in front of me. Committed, intimate relationship pushes at my edges and often beckons me to become a greater version of myself; something I both love and hate. So, I took some time to journal about my internal struggle this week, releasing thoughts and feelings and allowing new ideas to emerge. As I did this I could tell I was on the brink of discovering something life-changing in terms of our relationship; I just wasn’t sure what it would be or how it would come. Then, as my curiosity peaked, an opening came, and the Universe worked her magic. This experience was so powerful that I knew I had to share. So, I put everything on hold and prepared today’s post especially for you. I hope you find hints of magic for yourself and take on my challenge to see the good in others, even when they can’t see it in themselves. You can also hear more of my experience in my Instagram Highlight “Big love!” XOXO

Opportunity to Evolve

What Weekends Are For

It seems that everywhere I turn I hear “I’m so busy!” These days people seem busier than ever and in my observation all this busy-ness doesn't seem to be contributing to increased happiness; just the opposite. As work and community demands increase we must learn to say yes to what really matters and no to everything else. We’ll always have obligations that we don’t enjoy, so what I want to ask is this.. Are you making room for the things you do?

What Weekends Are For