
Let’s talk about joy. In my last Instagram post I shared a few things that bring me pure joy - silly faces with my niece, impromptu dance parties, and eating local food. That made me think, have you recently stopped to consider what brings you joy? When was the last time you experienced nonstop laughter, felt so happy your heart could burst, or fell into bed from the good kind of exhaustion, maybe after a late night or long day with friends?

Joy is necessary for the vibrant life dreams are made of. It’s an integral part of that happy, healthy I’m always talking about and, believe it or not, it impacts our physical health. Have you ever noticed how little aches and pains suddenly disappear during time with friends or how acting like a kid again can completely transform your view of a sticky situation? That’s what I’m talking about!

Living a joyful life reduces stress (which is linked to a slew of things like obesity, heart disease, anxiety, and depression) and tells our brain to produce more of those yummy, feel good neurotransmitters we all crave. The effects can even help ease digestive issues and contribute to better sleep quality. Living a joyful life is satiating and fulfilling, which means joyful people are less likely to look for emotional fulfillment on their plate. This can lead to healthier food choices and a reduction in mindless eating. Experiencing joy also makes us more attractive to others. I mean who doesn’t want a gorgeous joyful glow?!


Think of the most joyful person you know. Bring them to your mind, now allow them to also fill your heart center. Allow their energy to permeate you. Doesn’t that feel AMAZING? Don’t you want to be around that person more often? Why? Because they feel good and that makes you feel good. Energy is contagious!

So, this week I invite you to give joy more real estate in your day. Purposely take some time to feel out what brings you the most joy. If you’re feeling lost or disconnected from the feeling of joy meditation can be a great way to get in touch with this part of yourself. If meditation doesn’t feel quite right, maybe try this exercise instead:

Simply close your eyes, take a long slow breath, exhaling completely. Summons a joyful memory from your childhood or a period of time when you were your most joyful self. Envision what you were doing on that day, who you were with. Take in your surroundings. Now fully feel all the joy in that moment. Let it swell throughout your entire body. Notice how your body feels, the way the joy spills out into every nook and cranny. Take that in. Finally, ask yourself what would create a similar feeling in your life today. Be open and non-judgmental, allowing the guidance to come. Act on it!

For me, joyful moments often include acting childlike or engaging in activities where I feel completely carefree. For you it may genuinely be curling up with a good book and your favorite hot tea. Whatever brings you joy, pay attention to it and create more of that in your daily life. On days when you think you’re too tired or there’s not enough time, ask yourself what you could spend two to three minutes doing that would bring you intense joy. There’s almost always something we can do to experience joy and raise our vibration, even in a time and/or energy crunch. Finally, remember, lots of different things bring us joy. Variety is the spice of life so be open to the evolution and try on different options!

As always, I love hearing from you. Shoot me a message or share your joyful moments on social media! Comment on my latest photo or tag me in your posts. I’d love to experience joy through you!

Big love ~Amanda