Essential Oils for Staying Dysautonomia Strong

You asked for it and I’m delivering! In this post I’m breaking down which essential oils (EOs) I’ve found most powerful for upgrading life with dysautonomia (chronic condition not required!) and the most effective, safest ways to use. I’m revealing the EOs that carry me through busy travel days and the ones I use to get grounded when my nervous system is in overdrive. So get your notepads out because these are all the oils that always take me from spoonie to healthy, happy hippie! It doesn’t matter if you’re on a pharmaceutical regimen to treat dysautonomia or are managing well with diet and exercise, if you want to live day to day with more ease and energy this post is for you!
I’ve been using EOs for years. It all began when my acupuncturist introduced me to what has now become my favorite brand. She’d sometimes rub a drop or two on me during treatments and from there my curiosity was ignited. I began researching and experimenting, even attending classes specifically geared toward EO education - potency, dilution, uses, and efficacy. The more I learned, the more I wanted to know. Around this time I was also in an especially rough dysutonomia flare. I had, with the help of pharmaceuticals, been able to pull myself out of bed, but wasn’t thriving by any stretch of the imagination. This is when I decided to up my EO game and add them to my dysautonomia toolkit.
Like some of you, I’d been using oils to make my home smell nice, do some cleaning, and even heal viruses and sinus infections, but I’d never considered using them to treat the worst of my POTS and NCS symptoms. At the time, fatigue, drops in blood pressure, and fluctuating heart rate were probably my biggest obstacles (although I think we can all agree that if we get down to it the list can be crazy long). While I knew enough to pull a few oils on my own I wanted to enlist the help of an acquaintance who was deep in her EO game. I wanted to focus on oils that supported the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) as a whole rather than trying to combat symptoms. Thankfully, my acquaintance pulled through and helped me create a blend that lended support when I needed it most. It even helped me stay upright and energized on a trip to Cleveland for my son’s Spring Break despite the rough time I’d been having before the trip. Hopefully my go-to blend will be just as helpful for you!
My favorite ANS blend
My Go-To Essential Oil Blend for Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Stabilization
Fill a glass EO roll on bottle with fractionated coconut (it must be fractionated to stay liquid for this application) or raw sesame seed oil, leaving a little room at the top for EOs. Add 5 drops each Bergamot, Lavender, and Sweet Orange and 4 drops Rosemary. Replace roller ball lid. Gently shake to blend oils. Roll on pulse points and/or bottoms of feet every 3-4 hours/as needed.
I like to use the above blend when I’m feeling sluggish or generally “off.” It really does give me an added boost and helps get me through rough days. I especially like to carry this blend when traveling. I simply roll it on a few times a day, being sure to take a few inhales (it smells great and gives an instant energy boost), to keep dizzy spells and fatigue at bay. This one really is a game changer! And, there’s more! I’m also sharing my go-to oils for transforming the dysautonomia symptoms I face most often. Just be sure to read beyond the list to get my advice on which oils to start with, ratios, and recipes. I’d love to hear your favorite oils for staying dysautonomia strong too!
This proprietary blend (available in the shop section here) is my go to oil for those days when my anxiety is through the rough. This blend contains a carrier oil so no need to blend. Simply put a couple of drops in your palms, rub together, place hands over nose, and inhale deeply. I also LOVE to give myself a mini foot massage with this oil when I sit down to meditate. It’s grounding and smells divine - the perfect way to start my day (anxiety or not!).
Ever feel like your legs literally won’t go or your arms weigh 500 pounds? Cypress is the oil for you. I choose this one when my arms and legs feel heavy, requiring focused concentration to lift them or put one foot in front of the other. I like to put a drop in some melted coconut oil and give myself a little leg or arm massage, tapping the “wake up” points along the inside of both extremities. Voilà! For extra oomph add this to a homemade coffee scrub and massage all over in a warm shower, finishing with a few seconds of cold water. If that doesn’t wake you up, nothing will!
Did you know that upper back and shoulder pain is common for those with dysautonomia? Those familiar with it often call the phenomenon coat hanger pain due to the shape of the areas affected and it is thought to be caused by poor blood flow to the muscles of the upper back and neck. When this is especially bad for me I reach for Copaiba. I add a few drops to a carrier oil and add to a warm epsom salt bath or massage directly into the muscles where I’m experiencing pain. Copaiba supports the cardiovascular, nervous, immune, respiratory, and digestive systems. No wonder it’s one of my most used oils! PS, it’s great for anxiety too.
Citrus Oils
I love citrus oils for breaking the fog and waking me up. Nothing is going to take the place of a healthy low carb diet and exercise. I just sometimes need a little extra boost. When that’s the case I reach for citrus. Brain fog be gone! Bergamot and Grapefruit are my two favorites. Inhale the scent straight from the bottle for a quick pick me up or diffuse for a longer lasting effect. Pro tip, mix Grapefruit with Cypress for an uplifting, energizing experience.
This is another proprietary blend and one I always have on hand. While it’s marketed for colds and sinus issues I accidentally discovered that it’s great for insomnia. After noting deeper, more restful sleep with use I did some research and it turns out that a couple of the oils in the blend do support sleep. While lavender is a more traditional oil for sleep support I find breathe to be more effective. So, I recommend keeping a Breathe Salve (recipe below) by the bed for those nights you can’t quite fall.. or stay.. asleep. Simply rub a bit on bottoms of feet and nighty night.
While I use many oils to support my health journey I wanted to at least try to narrow down the ones I find most effective in the day to day grind with dysautonomia. If you’re not sure where to start I’ll make it simple for you. The ANS Stabilizer blend is a NECESSITY. So, I’d begin there. If purchasing four oils at once is too much for you, get a grounding oil like Cypress or Cedarwood to keep adrenals in check and anxiety at bay and an energizing oil like Bergamot, Wild Orange, or Grapefruit to wake up and get going when fatigue sets in. Generally speaking grounding oils also help with anxiety and high heart rate while energizing oils help with depression and low blood pressure. Finally, add other oils to the mix as you become more comfortable or want to build up your toolkit. As a side note, I’ve found EOs to be one of the most gentle ways of dealing with the ANS. You’ll have to make the determination to use them (or not) for yourself and then experiment with which ones work best for you.
Ratios and Recipes
EOs are much more potent than the whole plant version. Therefore, most EOs need to be diluted with a carrier oil before application. A general rule is 15 drops of EO per 1 ounce of carrier oil (I prefer organic unrefined coconut oil or organic raw sesame seed oil).
I like to make homemade salves to keep on hand. For this I melt coconut oil by placing jar under hot water. Pour into a 4 ounce mason jar. Add approximately 60 drops EO of choice (I love Breathe for sleep and a combo of Cypress and Grapefruit for energy and mood). Stir to incorporate. Top with lid (it will harden again if you are not in a warm climate/room) and use a small amount as needed.
For more tips and tricks follow me on Insta as I often share the EOs I’m currently using as well as recipes for DIY self-care routines. Much love and big magic! XOXO ~Amanda