essential oils

The Top Oils I'm Using Right Now

If you’re ready for a switch up in routine or need a little extra support I’ve got you covered. In this post I share the top oils I’m using right now along with the health benefits of each. I’m addressing oxidative stress, anxiety, inflammation, immunity, and sleep disturbances and sharing the ways I use the oils tor a happier healthier me. Oil curious? Join me!

The Top Oils I'm Using Right Now

Wishing Well

I hope this email finds you well. Today I’m sharing some of the things that are helping me navigate this unusual time. To be honest, I struggled with whether or not to release this blog post. That’s why it’s so late coming out. I didn’t want to give the impression that these practices are making this time a breeze for me. Quite the contrary. However, these practices help me come back to myself when I’m feeling out of sorts, on the verge of a breakdown… or after one has happened. So, no, I’m not doing this" perfectly and I don’t think there is a template for how to do that, because COVID-19 is affecting us all to varying degrees and in various ways. And that is why, I finally decided to put this post out.. Because I believe that no matter how uncertain things feel or how anxious or depressed we become, eventually we will make our way back to ourselves if we have a foundational relationship with our divine nature. That said, I wanted to give others some ideas of practices they could come back to when the time is right. Big love to you. I’m cheering you on from afar and I hope you enjoy this post.

Wishing Well

My New Year's Rituals

For me, NYE has long been filled with magic and excitement. Whether going out with friends or staying in alone, I love weaving these rituals into my celebration. They always make me feel more grounded and ready to take on the year ahead. I hope they enrich your experience too.

My New Year's Rituals

Staying Healthy.. Naturally

Cold and flu season may be among us, but it doesn’t have to scare you into staying inside all day (that’s actually one of the worst things you can do!). There are plenty of ways to stay healthy this time of year.. naturally. Have you ever stopped to think about why it is that cold and flu “season” seems to suddenly spring up around the same time every year? Well, I have and modern science has a lot to say about that too. Turns out, it’s not truly a “season” and the uptick in illness has a lot to do with lifestyle changes in the colder months. Fall and winter is a time to go inward, be introspective, and cozy up to those we love. While years ago society was set up to support these natural shifts and periods of rest in the body, today’s culture is not. Chances are, if you make a few subtle changes in your daily routine and put some extra emphasis on self care, you’ll stay much healthier during these darker months of the year. In my latest blog post I’m sharing what works for me, some of the science to support it, and reminding you to incorporate more ease into these busy winter months! Bonus tip not in the post.. open those windows! It may be cold outside, but opening windows, even for a few minutes allows air to circulate and can naturally rid your home of germs. Happy reading!

Staying Healthy.. Naturally

Fun with Oils

This week I thought I’d step away from all the deep stuff and keep it light with EOs. By now you probably know that I love using essential oils to help me stay dysautonomia strong and often lean on them for pain management too. BUT, did you know that I also like to use my EOs for fun, self exploration, and real life shit?! One of my biggest beliefs is that life should be full of joy.. even when going through the hard shit. No matter what my day looks like I aim to create moments of light and gratitude throughout and I often use essential oils to help me do that. So, today I want to share a few of my favorite ways to use these little guys for that extra oomph. P. S. they make great holiday gifts too!

Fun with Oils

Tummy in a Tizzy?

Whether you deal with something as extreme as gastroparesis or are simply looking for ways to tame tummy troubles I’ve got you covered. While I’ve been pretty open about my struggles with gastroparesis I haven’t shared my full story and today I’m diving in. Read on to hear what got my attention, how I was diagnosed, what’s helped me the most, how I’ve somewhat tamed the beast, and what I do in a flare. You’ll even learn how you can create a new relationship with your stomach, including a little tidbit that may just help you enjoy your food even more - no guilt allowed! I’m so excited to be sharing all of these nuggets with you. Don’t wait, find out more now!

Tummy in a Tizzy?

I Like It Deep

Self care can come in many forms and when dealing with chronic or short term pain it's all too easy to try to push through without properly addressing the issue. While controlling inflammation through diet and mindful movement is a big part of my pain management plan, self massage and essential oils are just as important. Now I'm sharing why I reach for this rub instead of prescription medicine

I Like It Deep