
My Top Tips for Brain Health

These top tips for brain health include easy ways to get your brain on track for the long haul. Small shifts in diet, exercise, toxic load, and supplementation can make a big difference in how your brain functions and how you show up for your day to day. Read on to learn how and connect with me for one-on-one support.

My Top Tips for Brain Health


Take your power back! Bio-Individuality simply means that we are all unique beings with unique needs. Have you ever taken the time to notice how you feel after a workout or a meal? It’s likely you have beliefs about the types of food and movement that are “good for you.” While previous belief systems served a purpose, transformation requires you to commit to evolving with your changing needs. Read on to learn more and contact me for a free session to discuss!


The Top Oils I'm Using Right Now

If you’re ready for a switch up in routine or need a little extra support I’ve got you covered. In this post I share the top oils I’m using right now along with the health benefits of each. I’m addressing oxidative stress, anxiety, inflammation, immunity, and sleep disturbances and sharing the ways I use the oils tor a happier healthier me. Oil curious? Join me!

The Top Oils I'm Using Right Now

Finding Our Way

Is quarantine getting you down? Whether you suffer from a diagnosed depressive disorder or natural bouts of depressed feelings brought on by environmental stressors, the stay at home orders may be taking a toll. Scientists have now even coined the term “quarantine fatigue” for the challenging feelings some of us are experiencing right now. I’ve been open about the fact that I can struggle with depression from time to time and while Spring is usually the time of year when I notice a lift in my mood, the stay at home order here in Ohio has definitely brought on a second round of blues. In this post I share how I’m finding my way, including a piece of the last conversation I had with my psychologist (a very kickass woman I might add). Whether you are feeling a little blue, struggle with depression, or know someone who does I hope you find this post comforting, like a warm hug from a close friend. Big love!

Finding Our Way

There Is Hope

Life after trauma can be difficult. Days, months, or years may pass before we realize that we are being affected; going through life with unconscious triggers and mysterious illnesses. Then, we wake up. We realize that trauma is at the root of our pain and even if it feels there is no way through, there is hope. In this post I share a bit about my journey and a few tools that help me navigate.

There Is Hope

Why I Gave My Vegetarian Diet a Break and How I Leaned In To Meat

Hello there! In today’s post I’m sharing why I gave my vegetarian diet a break and how I leaned in to meat-eating. While this post is about my journey away from vegetarianism, the underlying message is about much more than food. It’s full of nuggets that will help you tune in to your own intuition, creating a more inspired version of yourself. I’ve also included a link to an older post, Nurturing Nourishment, that takes a deeper dive into the bigger picture of food sourcing, environment, and human health. I hope you enjoy both and pull from them your own inspiration! On that note, will you join me in committing to more mindful and intuitive choices this holiday season, whatever that looks like for you? Cheers and Happy Holidays! XOXO ~Amanda

Why I Gave My Vegetarian Diet a Break and How I Leaned In To Meat

What Weekends Are For

It seems that everywhere I turn I hear “I’m so busy!” These days people seem busier than ever and in my observation all this busy-ness doesn't seem to be contributing to increased happiness; just the opposite. As work and community demands increase we must learn to say yes to what really matters and no to everything else. We’ll always have obligations that we don’t enjoy, so what I want to ask is this.. Are you making room for the things you do?

What Weekends Are For

Pumpkin Lasagna and It's Grain-Free Good

For me, fall is about cozy goodness and all things pumpkin so, it goes without saying that I just had to share my very favorite pumpkin lasagna recipe. No, it’s not super deep, but what’s more satisfying than nurturing ourselves with wholesome, yummy food? Self care is definitely part of my spiritual hygiene and often times, when I need some extra TLC, or just a little pick me up, I open a bottle of clean red wine, crank up my favorite tunes, and get to cooking.

This recipe is a favorite in our house and I hope it becomes one of yours too! It’s full of flavor, super healthy (that part can be our little secret), and high on comfort. So, as the temps cool down cozy up with this easy breezy recipe and maybe even enjoy a snuggly night in with those you love. That’s exactly what we did this weekend and boy was it nice. XOXO

Pumpkin Lasagna and It's Grain-Free Good

The Pleasure Principle

I often hear people say I look so young or seem so happy. Well, today I’m sharing my secret for both.. PLEASURE! It may seem simple, but learning to live life from a state of guilt-free pleasure has taken awareness and time. However, once I started I didn’t want to stop! And, while maybe you have some learned fear around doing what feels good, I’m here to tell you that you can live from a place of pleasure and trust yourself to do so. There is no reason to fear doing what feels good, because there is a natural stop built into that plan. Too much of anything will likely leave us feeling.. let’s just say “not so good.” So, if we’re paying attention, and if our goal is to feel good, we will, over time, create our own boundaries in order to do just that. No outside dictator required!

The Pleasure Principle