8. Did Curiosity Kill the Cat? My Thoughts on Gender Identity
This episode is a big fuck you to the belief systems that have kept me small and cut me off from shining one of my brightest lights… that is, sharing my unique perspective! In today’s episode I share my thoughts and curiosities on the, all too often, off limits topic of gender identity.
My love for all humans everywhere, my deep trust in the body, and my belief that nature makes no mistakes have left me with much to say on the topic and simultaneously speechless at times, from what I see going on in the world. While I didn’t touch on the topic of (masculine) containment in this episode, that too is a factor that I see missing from the equation. Perhaps I will share more about that in a part two.
A few of the questions I explore: Are the “right” questions being asked? How does one know how it feels to be a male/female, boy/girl, man/woman? Is it possible to be born in the “wrong” body? Are we actually aligning with the fears, stories, and hatred that we claim to be in opposition to when we subscribe to the transgender philosophy? Are we actually perpetuating self hatred and hatred for the other by disowning parts of the whole (in this case, gender)? How can one be honoring the self while denying parts of the self (his/her gender)? What is the real fuck you to the system?