Contradiction Queen
Contradiction Queen
Modern Day Medicine Woman Specializing in Alchemy Through Pleasure and Play

Work with me

Find your own medicine within

I have been working with Amanda for several months, and I have immensely enjoyed and benefited from our time together. She has helped me work through opportunities and challenges, both in my business and personally, all without judgement or preconceived assumptions. Her knowledge and experience, unique viewpoint on the world, and way of drawing out what I truly feel and want without imposing her own opinions are all extremely helpful and valuable, and I plan on continuing to work with Amanda for the foreseeable future.
— Casey, Wealth Management Firm Owner

 🖤 Heal your wound with me 🖤

What does a vibrant, connected, pleasure-filled life feel like to you?

What do you long for? Dream of? What do you really want… and simultaneously won’t let yourself have? Maybe your dream is so big, crazy, or out there that you won’t even let yourself think about it. Maybe your trauma has taken up so much space that you can’t even imagine life without feeling it on the daily. Maybe you haven’t even begun to dream your dream because it just feels so damn scary. Perhaps you can’t even imagine choosing yourself. I’ve been there. Through my own journey with POTS, EDS, NCS, mold toxicity, PTSD, and divorce I’ve developed a deep trust in the body’s wisdom and how it can support us in our journey toward embodying more of all that we are. I’d love to support you on your journey toward whatever that looks like for you. If you want to dive deeper into the mystery of you, schedule a FREE mini-session to explore with me. I would be honored to help you connect with YOUR soul level desires and find the pleasure in your wound (that is, how it has served you) so that you can create the life you REALLY want.

Life changing. That’s what this whole experience has been for me. I am not the same person I was when I started this work. I am forever grateful I took the leap and started working with Amanda. She has changed my life in multiple ways. She’s so knowledgeable. She’s helped me find myself.
— Emily, Client

Contact me for one-on-one support, personal development, energetic body work, and public speaking inquiries

Life has thrown me many curveballs and I have chosen to consciously use each one as powerful fuel for my transformational journey. Through these experiences I have learned the specific magic of using the body as guidance and finding pleasure in the wound. I am keenly skilled at both consciousness and body work, using energetics, pleasure, ritual, experiential wisdom, and intuition as avenues to healing and transformation. I also possess a Master’s in Conflict Analysis and Engagement, extending my work beyond traditional consciousness forums and into the fields of adult development, corporate culture, facilitation, and education. An area of my specific brilliance is combining intellect and intuition to create something extraordinary.

Contradiction Queen

Life is a contradiction… embrace it with me and discover your most pleasurable, abundant, embodied life yet!