
Ten Mood-Boosters I Swear By

Winter can be HARD… AF… especially for those of us with Seasonal Affective Disorder. While we’re told the holidays should make us happy, sometimes they get us down instead. The grey days can seem unending. Long dark nights can put a damper on motivation. However, after an extremely long, difficult winter several years ago, I decided there had to be a different way. So, I spent that Spring researching, educating myself on all the bio-hacks to up my mood the next go round, in hopes I wouldn’t go quite that dark again. What I’m sharing today are my tried and true mood-boosters.. the ones that carry me from Fall to Spring, when the days are shortest and often quite grey. May you find something that peaks your interest and don’t forget to share your hacks too. Simply comment on this post or share with me on social media.

Ten Mood-Boosters I Swear By