
Attainable Affirmations

Affirmations are one tool I LOVE to use when creating the life of my dreams. They keep me on track and remind me that anything is possible. However, there are some tricks to creating an affirmation that works for you. If your affirmation isn’t believable - mind, body, and spirit - it will get you nowhere. So, read on to learn a few tricks to making your affirmation attainable.

1. Create an affirmation that honors the process of unfolding. Like a rose unfolds in the sun, we too transform by opening ourselves up, layer by layer. So, if you’re feeling like you want to pull yourself out of the funk you’re in create an affirmation that eases you in to the next best state. A couple examples of this are:

“My body, mind, and spirit are awakening to new possibilities.”

“I am feeling more energized day by day.”

“I am always guided toward my highest good.”

These affirmations are not tied to a concrete measure and therefore allow you to ease in to possibility. I find this settles the nervous system and creates an opportunity to open up to more - body, mind, and spirit. Give it a try and observe the ways you become guided to manifest your desires.

Attainable Affirmations

Rekindling Trust

Living with PTSD is no walk in the park. Lately I’ve been struggling and that calls for digging deep. In the midst of my emotional self torture and feelings of doom something arose - a different perspective on an already existent piece of consciousness. A glimmer of the girl I used to be. Her desire to come forward. The sense of fear that followed. Vulnerability. Abandonment. Longing. So, I listened. I took note. I emailed my psychologist. I watched as this new imprint was laid atop an old one… like sketches of architecture layered one on the other, blueprints of a masterpiece. Read on to learn how this girl slipped away and what I’m doing to rekindle the fire.

Rekindling Trust

A Vision That Works

Living our best life happens when we tune in and get in sync with our innermost desires.  Without this, we're shooting in the dark and aiming for someone else's bullseye.  Once we're clear about our unique path, we can create it with ease and a sense of fulfillment.  Read on to get my tips for creating a vision board and manifesting your dream!

A Vision That Works