My Top Tips for Brain Health

While we can’t see the wrinkles in our brain the same way we see the ones on our face, they are there and, just as those beautiful lines from laughing our booties off tell a story about the life we have lived, the lines on our brain also have meaning. We may not see our brain without the help of an intricate scan, but we can feel the effects of the life we have lived in every interaction, decision, and thought. Just as our choices inform the lines on our face, our thoughts, emotions, movement, habits, and food choices influence the beauty of our brain. It is here that our habits create lush, well-lit areas of vibrant connectivity or dark, deserted areas with low blood flow. The first supports us in living a joyful life full of meaning and connection, while the latter impedes our desire for healthy relationships, meaningful work, and vibrancy into old age.
The forsaken areas may show up in our life as forgetfulness, moodiness, and rage. We may know we have a more lush brain when we exhibit empathy, joy, patience, and have an in tact memory. As a matter of fact, did you know that if you are carrying extra belly fat that is likely a sign that your brain is not functioning optimally? Dr. Daniel Amen speaks of this when he mentions the “pregnant man” phenomenon that has become a cultural norm and the link he consistently sees between it and brain scans. While we can’t see inside our brain on a daily basis, caring for it is still important because brain health is a powerful contributor to healthy, connected relationships, a successful career, and an overall enjoyable life. The fact that the ways we take care of our brain health also has a positive effect on our bodies is an added bonus! So, let’s get on to some ways we can care for that precious brain of ours!
For one, cut the toxins. Many people don’t consider the impact that things like household cleaning products, personal care items, perfumes and fragrant candles have on their brain. The truth is, substances like fragrance and sulfates are toxins inhaled through the nose that can travel directly to the brain via the olfactory nerve. Another way these toxins impact us is through skin absorption into the bloodstream. So, if you want to truly care for your brain take a second look at the ingredients on your commonly used products and verify their safety with the Environmental Working Group.
Another chemical toxic to brain health is alcohol. Now I love my wine just as much as the next person, so giving it up all together doesn’t seem realistic. That said, making informed decisions around alcohol intake will help lessen the negative impact on brain health. Choose cleaner varieties of alcohol when you do drink and follow it up with food and supplements that provide extra liver support as well as binders like activated charcoal, chlorella, and/or bentonite clay. One of my favorite liver support supplements is SAMe. And while we’re on the subject, it’s important to drink in moderation if you want to support healthy brain function. Enjoy your alcohol upon occasion and save multiple drinks for that special celebration.
Next up, movement. Getting an adequate amount of exercise is crucial for maintaining brain health. It increases blood flow, has a positive effect on brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and has been shown to improve neuroplasticity (the ability for the brain to change). This increased blood flow means oxygenated blood is more readily delivering nutrients to the brain and lighting up all those feel good areas! This is critical for continued brain health, which also has an affect on mood. Bonus points for choosing a form of movement you enjoy and if it requires hand-eye coordination, even better. Some of my favorites include golf, yoga, paddle boarding, hiking, tennis, ping pong, and swimming. Moving daily can be as simple as taking a long walk while listening to your favorite podcast or meeting a friend for a bike ride. Kick those old beliefs to the curb that tell you exercise should be hard and choose something that lights you up, inside and out!
Another highly underrated component to maintaining brain health is food. A healthy diet provides the brain the needed nutrients to do its job, and it has a BIG one. Foods can also increase or decrease inflammation in our bodies, including inflammation in our brain. So, the way we nourish ourselves on our plate is really important when we’re thinking about caring for our brain health. Good for you fats like avocados, coconut oil, and wild caught salmon are great options when it comes to giving our brain what it needs to stay vibrant and strong. Low sugar fruits like berries are another brain supporting super food as they provide the body with polyphenols which help to wake the brain up and protect it from neurodegeneration. Steering clear of sugary and processed foods, as well as simple carbs, is another way to keep brain (and body) inflammation low so we can feel and function our best. If eating healthy sounds like a bore dive into why you believe it can’t be full of flavor and joy. If you still find yourself loathing healthy eating habits try switching things up with a new sauce (I’m a huge fan of Primal Kitchen and Wildbrine), invite friends to do a recipe swap, and/or challenge yourself to re-create one of your favorite dishes by subbing in better for you ingredients. Here’s one of my favorites.
My final suggestion is supplements. Supplementing our body with the proper support really does make a difference in how our brain performs. Yes, it can be expensive, so take a targeted approach, add one or two things at a time, keep what works for you, and ditch what doesn’t. I recommend focusing on choices that increase blood flow to the brain, support detoxification, and lower inflammation. Options such as ginkgo biloba, curcumin, a high quality omega 3 supplement, medicinal mushrooms, and herbs and adaptogens are a great place to start.
While there are many ways to support overall brain health these are a few of my favorites. They’re fairly easy to implement into your daily routine and will likely make a noticeable difference. What are some of your go-tos for keeping your brain vibrant and strong? Share in the comments below or on social media and contact me for one-on-one support!