Contradiction Queen
Contradiction Queen
Modern Day Medicine Woman Specializing in Pleasure and Play


Amanda R. Bryant, MA

Hi! I’m Amanda Bryant, a Modern Day Medicine Woman who has been consciously practicing shamanism and tantra for almost 15 years. I bring sensuality, pleasure, play, and the mind-body-spirit-soul connection to my work and swirl in a touch of magic through ceremony and ritual. I’m also mom to my teen son, Jagger, who has been one of the greatest teachers on my journey.

I spent years dabbling in shamanism and playing with my spiritual gifts without even realizing it when I was practicing Christianity in evangelical churches in my teens and early to mid-twenties. Then, not long before my son was born 16 years ago, I was guided to leave the church and continue an even more embodied relationship with Spirit. This is when I began more consciously incorporating shamanism, tantra, meditation, and consciousness practices into my daily routine. Just after Jagger’s birth I found myself deeply desiring more pleasure in my life and on the verge of divorce. Recognizing I wanted MORE, I began working with my mentor, who helped me further hone my abilities to go inward, more consciously experience sensuality, notice subtle energy shifts, engage life with curiosity, and appreciate the power of polarity. Through my work with her I soared to new states of bliss and turned my pleasure practice all the way the fuck up. Then, about a year later, she introduced me to another practitioner who assisted me in taking my consciousness and embodiment practices even further, mindfully tuning into my body to receive the guidance of my soul. With these practices now part of my day to day divinely guided pleasure and play became my way of life.

After practicing these techniques and living in my bliss for another year or two I became extremely ill and almost simultaneously recounted a childhood sexual trauma that I had previously disassociated from. The illness and traumatic memory became the catalysts that took me even deeper into my shamanism, tantra, and energetic body work practices. Pleasure, as far away as it sometimes felt, became a non-negotiable. After working from home for years, and being too ill to go into the office regularly, one morning while meditating at the altar I had created in the corner of my living room, I was guided to leave my job. As scared as I was, I followed the guidance and Spirit immediately took me into the depths of the void where my spiritual teachings accelerated. In this darkness I entered many portals of learning and growth and went through numerous initiations over a period of several years. I took a deep-dive into my body where I learned to work with the guidance of pleasure and pain, made mind-body connections, and integrated spiritual practices, all while appearing to be a regular stay at home mom to most. I learned more about my physical body too (including POTS, NCS, EDS, and PTSD) and learned, partly because of these conditions, on an even deeper level that pleasure was absolutely necessary to my well-being.

Not yet ready to call myself a Shaman or Modern Day Medicine Woman, I operated covertly in the shadows, living these practices out in everyday life and teaching people my most beloved rituals and beliefs without using any esoteric labels. Then, as I neared my 44th birthday, in May 2023, I felt called to radiate the parts of me I had mostly kept hidden in a more vibrant way. I began owning “Contradiction Queen” as a blog name and my medicine name. I started openly hosting moon ceremonies and teaching about the magic we can experience when consciously working with Spirit, Goddess, and the moon’s energy to manifest our desires. I became more vocal about my gifts of knowing and my ability to hear the voice of Spirit speak to me. I even began using my personal medicine of pleasure and play to teach others how to live a pleasure-filled life for themselves.

For me, life is one big playgorund where we can feel free to try new things, goof off, meet up with friends, and yes, maybe even fall down and scrape a knee (this can happen when we live on the edge). I incorporate pleasure and play into my day to day and aim to inspire others to do the same! I believe we all have a unique medicine that lies within and that what truly feels good in our body and soul is the perfect guide on this journey through life. Through the lens of Shamanic Astrology I am here to radiate radical self love and be a leader in experiencing god/goddess/Spirit through sensuality, beauty, and earthly pleasures. For me, this is the most fun form of embodiment!

In addition to my Taurean love for earthly pleasure, my Aquarian Moon loves deep conversations, taking different perspectives, and the concept of consciousness. My 8th House South Node makes playfully navigating darkness my specialty. My Mercury suggests I’m a wounded healer with special medicine in the mind-body arena. And, the placement of specific stars in my chart allow me to especially resonate with the Goddesses Medusa and Lilith, which I experience as a sultry, connected, earthy, wild nature.

Besides being a Modern Day Medicine Woman, a few of my most cherished roles are woman, daughter, lover, mother, and friend. For years I found myself confused by all the contradictions that I am - a healthy person with chronic conditions, an illuminated dark goddess, a wild-hearted committed lover, a free-spirit who deeply enjoys sinking into the comfort of routine, an independent, loving, connected mother - and unsure how to honor all of my contradictions… aka all of me. Then I realized that the polarity IS the juiciness of life and I began to put attention on the polarities and integrate rather than abandon.

I began experimenting with following my desires and doing what felt good in my body. I started paying attention to my body, mind, and spirit, treating them as messengers of my soul. Did something just feel good in the moment or did it leave me with a feeling of grounded, juicy, lasting pleasure in my body when the moment was gone? I began practicing acceptance and setting intentions. I made a choice to live life to the fullest every day, realizing life could look vastly different from one day to the next, and made a commitment to en-joy it!      

And THIS is how I became Contradiction Queen. Practicing pleasure and play until.. well.. forever. XO 🖤🪄

Education & Interests

MA Conflict Analysis & Engagement, Antioch University Midwest: adult development concepts and theories; exploration of internal conflict; meaning making; Immunity to Change; Integral Theory; facilitation; noticing in and on action

Consciousness Work: subtle energy awareness; connection between mind, body, spirit, and soul; learning through pleasure and play; accessing the body’s wisdom to create lifelong pleasure and well-being; navigating the void; using joy and ease as guidance; accessing inner knowing and building trust in the internal guidance system; connection with Source; marrying science and internal knowing for upgraded well-being; soul work; Craniosacral Therapy; Somato Emotional Release

Integrative Nutrition Certification: bioindividuality; nutrition sources; mindful nourishment of mind, body, spirit, and soul; full body awareness; biohacking

BS Business Management, Marhall University