
Playing with Shadows

If you were going to give it a try how would you play with your shadows? Where would you begin? Would it feel scary, coaxing you to run and hide under the covers? Would you write a play and use shadow puppets to play the main characters? Would you walk forward and back enjoying this darker reflection of you on the sunny sidewalk of life? Would you try to catch him or her? Or simply appreciate the shadow’s existence, the knowledge of that being enough to release its power? In this post I share how playing with shadows can give your life an upgrade and the ways in which I’ve been doing it lately! How do you explore the dark sides of your self?

Playing with Shadows


Whoa. Today’s post is vulnerable and one that just poured out of me once I found the courage to sit down and write. I hope it ignites something in you, maybe even serving to open a conversation with yourself about how you decide whether or not you are deserving of EVERYTHING your heart desires. This post has been churning inside for a few weeks now, but I had to experience the events of this past weekend before I could really put it all together. Spirit is rad like that. So much has transpired for me in the last bit and I’m in complete awe of how Spirit keeps nudging me toward MORE. Hopefully this post speaks to you and reminds you that you are worthy.. just by being you. XOXO


My Top Tips for Brain Health

These top tips for brain health include easy ways to get your brain on track for the long haul. Small shifts in diet, exercise, toxic load, and supplementation can make a big difference in how your brain functions and how you show up for your day to day. Read on to learn how and connect with me for one-on-one support.

My Top Tips for Brain Health


Take your power back! Bio-Individuality simply means that we are all unique beings with unique needs. Have you ever taken the time to notice how you feel after a workout or a meal? It’s likely you have beliefs about the types of food and movement that are “good for you.” While previous belief systems served a purpose, transformation requires you to commit to evolving with your changing needs. Read on to learn more and contact me for a free session to discuss!


Do Your Work

Doing our work can take on many forms and, at times, feel heavy. So, I’m sharing my thoughts on how we can show up, get our ass in the arena, and invite a little sun in along the way. Personal work doesn’t have to be hard and I’d like to invite the idea that it’s not meant to be. So, if you need a bit of inspiration (or a reminder to feel free) on your life’s work journey, this post is for you. XOXO

Do Your Work

Rekindling Trust

Living with PTSD is no walk in the park. Lately I’ve been struggling and that calls for digging deep. In the midst of my emotional self torture and feelings of doom something arose - a different perspective on an already existent piece of consciousness. A glimmer of the girl I used to be. Her desire to come forward. The sense of fear that followed. Vulnerability. Abandonment. Longing. So, I listened. I took note. I emailed my psychologist. I watched as this new imprint was laid atop an old one… like sketches of architecture layered one on the other, blueprints of a masterpiece. Read on to learn how this girl slipped away and what I’m doing to rekindle the fire.

Rekindling Trust

Showing Up

What does it mean to show up? For ourselves? For the other? What does that look like? What consequence does it carry? What truth or lie? Is it understood? Misunderstood? What do either of those mean? Do they matter?

Lately these are the questions begging my attention. This is where my mind goes when I attempt to communicate and am misunderstood.. When I am intending to show up for the other.. When I am practicing noticing. Through this process of noticing and seeking I often begin to observe the shadow as she dares me to look her in the eye and better understand her inner workings, my inner workings. She wishes for me what I wish for myself, that I live my deepest desires. And, as scary as it may seem, I must look at her, see and understand her, in order to make my dream a reality.

My latest blog post takes a deeper dive into the art of showing up and why revealing more of our shadow is an integral part of that practice. Visit the blog for inspiration as you explore these ideas for yourself. And, as always reach out if you want some support. XOXO

Big Love ~Amanda

Showing Up

Finding Our Way

Is quarantine getting you down? Whether you suffer from a diagnosed depressive disorder or natural bouts of depressed feelings brought on by environmental stressors, the stay at home orders may be taking a toll. Scientists have now even coined the term “quarantine fatigue” for the challenging feelings some of us are experiencing right now. I’ve been open about the fact that I can struggle with depression from time to time and while Spring is usually the time of year when I notice a lift in my mood, the stay at home order here in Ohio has definitely brought on a second round of blues. In this post I share how I’m finding my way, including a piece of the last conversation I had with my psychologist (a very kickass woman I might add). Whether you are feeling a little blue, struggle with depression, or know someone who does I hope you find this post comforting, like a warm hug from a close friend. Big love!

Finding Our Way