What to Do When Things Don't Go Your Way

Ever have things all planned out and.. WHOOPS! ..it doesn't work out? So, what do you do? Does how you handle the situation matter? No? (Because it's all gone to hell anyway?) What if I told you it hasn't gone to hell, it's all perfection, and that how you handle it only matters to the extent you practice noticing? What if you knew there were some specific actions you could take to keep you on track and lift your spirits? Believe it or not I've found myself in this situation many times over, even in the last week, and I want to share what I've learned with you.  

First, it's important to accept whatever emotions we are feeling.  Emotions are powerful teachers.  Let them come up, notice them, get curious! Allowing ourselves to feel our feelings creates space to learn something new about our true desires.  I like to refer to this as "going deeper."  Often times we are aware of our surface level desires and need something to evoke greater connection to the self in order to notice our soul level desires.  So, welcome the emotion and all the wisdom it is ushering in.

Next, trust.  Trust that the universe knows something you don't and is conspiring for your highest good.  Choosing this one conscious thought can flip everything.  So, what if you don't actually believe it? If you really aren't sure you trust, accept it.  Then decide if you want to.  If so, there are several methods you can use to transform your fear.  A couple of my favorites are tapping (you can find a great tapping example here) and practicing mantras/affirmations (our brain believes what we tell it!).  Both of these practices can be performed any where as long as you have a few moments to yourself.  A little tip - when I'm using a mantra to reprogram my unconscious thoughts and fear I like to create appointments on my phone and place sticky notes around the house to remind me 1) to stop what I'm doing and repeat the mantra and 2) of my intention.  Remember, there is no shame in noticing we are in fear.  It happens!  Just know we have the power to transform it and take action.

The third thing is to go back to how we want to feel.  Set time aside to meditate, practice yoga, go for a bike ride or run, we just need to do something that will move the energy in our body and bring us back to the vibration that serves our highest good.  Yes, it is important to feel and process our emotions (step one).  However, it isn't useful to stay there forever.  Take the necessary time to fully process, then release, and move back into how we want to feel.  This may take some practice at first, so just play with it.  Sit with eyes closed for a few minutes and imagine yourself in the life of your dreams..  Feel it without attachment to how it shows up or what it looks like.  Have a coffee date (Bulletproof of course) with someone whose vibration you admire.  Take a walk in nature.  Maybe even go back to how you felt before you got the "bad news" and sit in that hopeful, expansive energetic space.  From there allow creation.

Finally, wait.  As humans, patience isn't always our best virtue.  However, it does serve us.  When we realize time is a construct of the imagination, we can wait with assurance instead of fear.  The universe always has perfect timing.  When I feel rushed or afraid I like to focus on nature.  Just as it cares for the trees and grass, the universe also cares for us.  We are all creation and creator.  Why then would we not trust the divine, creation, creator to care for us? Doesn't it make sense that this energy would want to see all of us blossom? Providing for us, caring for us, orchestrating blessings on our behalf? Wouldn't it bring creation joy to see itself in full bloom whether in the form of a magnolia tree or a vibrant human life? I think so.  From that perspective, all things unfold in perfect orchestration.  Which brings us back to trust.  

If this post resonates with you, get in touch.  I am currently working one on one with a select number of clients and curating classes specifically designed to take you to the next level.  If you're ready to level up, contact me!