
Showing Up

What does it mean to show up? For ourselves? For the other? What does that look like? What consequence does it carry? What truth or lie? Is it understood? Misunderstood? What do either of those mean? Do they matter?

Lately these are the questions begging my attention. This is where my mind goes when I attempt to communicate and am misunderstood.. When I am intending to show up for the other.. When I am practicing noticing. Through this process of noticing and seeking I often begin to observe the shadow as she dares me to look her in the eye and better understand her inner workings, my inner workings. She wishes for me what I wish for myself, that I live my deepest desires. And, as scary as it may seem, I must look at her, see and understand her, in order to make my dream a reality.

My latest blog post takes a deeper dive into the art of showing up and why revealing more of our shadow is an integral part of that practice. Visit the blog for inspiration as you explore these ideas for yourself. And, as always reach out if you want some support. XOXO

Big Love ~Amanda

Showing Up


Compassion. So simple yet so complex. While most of us would probably say that compassion is a necessary good in the world, something we should extend toward all, it’s also likely that most of us don’t actually share compassion as often as we could. The reasons for this are vast - getting caught up in our own belief systems, so much so that we hold anger toward those that oppose us; getting tired of being hurt; feeling angry about life and all the wrongs done to us; on and on. However, the more research I do about compassion the more I see that none of these are reasonable excuses for withholding the very thing that most all religions call us to do- offer compassion to those in need. If you’re struggling with offering compassion in some area of your life this post will hopefully unwind your hangups with offering compassion when you feel it is not warranted. I also share philosophical reasoning behind why offering compassion ultimately works toward the good of all and I’ve even included a simple meditation for unlocking greater compassion in all our lives. I truly believe that releasing the judgment holding us back will improve our heart, health, and happy. It’s all connected! So read on to create greater synchronicity in your life, cultivating vitality and joy!
