Ready, Set, Paddle!

Today I want to share with you one of my favorite ways to reconnect with Mother Earth while getting a mitochondria boost… PADDLEBOARDING! If you haven’t tried paddleboarding yet I encourage you to take the plunge and while you don’t actually have to get in the water, why wouldn’t you?! Paddleboarding has lots of benefits and I’m going to share the top three reasons I fell in love with it at first paddle. First, a little history.

My first paddleboarding experience was in Austin, TX. It wasn’t long after my big crash in 2012 and one of my friends had invited me to visit her in Texas for a birthday celebration. On the agenda was paddleboarding down the river. While the activity sounded fun I was pretty skeptical about whether or not I would be able to physically endure that much exertion. I had been feeling pretty weak and any physical activity had become extremely difficult, taxing me to the max. Still, it was her birthday so I wanted to participate and she assured me that there would be plenty of time to rest by simply floating on my board if I needed a break. I was also concerned about the heat, but knowing I would literally be on the water with full control of my board meant I would be able to cool down any time I wanted and that put me at ease.

On the morning we ventured out to the river I was dead set on staying present and having fun (although I must admit I could feel some nerves creeping in). Once we got on the water though, I was almost instantly at ease. The flow of the river. The breeze. The sun. Friends. It was all perfection. From that moment on I was hooked and it turns out that while it was quite physical, I was able to go at my own pace so it wasn't too much to handle.

Since then I’ve gotten on the board any chance I get; renting paddleboards or going with friends, always keeping in the back of my mind that I wanted to live by the water and own my own board one day. I thought that would happen when we moved to Fort Lauderdale, but the universe had other plans. So, when we moved to Columbus, a couple streets over from the river, I was itching to get on the water and while it took a year or so to settle in and purchase my own board I finally did and it is everything I dreamed it would be.

So, why do I love to paddle so much?

  1. Connecting with the earth recharges me and settles my nervous system. While this is great for those of us with dysautonomia, PTSD, and other conditions that affect the nervous system I really do believe everybody needs a nervous system re-set these days. Our culture has become so focused on goal setting, optimization, and hard work that a lot of people have become frazzled and are suffering from ailments like anxiety, depression, and adrenal fatigue. Fear based messaging, corporate culture, and the push for “more” are all reasons to slow down and get on a board.

  2. It’s a great way to get exercise while staying cool. Summers in the midwest can be hot and sticky, but exercising in a gym doesn’t really get me going. If you find yourself in the same predicament getting some movement in on the water is a great solution. You can dangle your arms and legs in the water while floating or jump in when you need a cool down. I can work up a sweat while practicing yoga on my board (great for stabilizer muscles that help keep blood flow up and out of lower extremities by the way) or while paddling around so jumping in is always on the agenda. If you’d prefer not to take that big of a plunge simply hold on to the boar with your upper body and lower your legs in for a few minutes. Easy breezy.

  3. The sun is great for mitochondrial health and if the water is cold jumping in will give you another boost. While too much sun isn’t good for us neither is too little. Because of this I like to go sans sunscreen for a bit (pay attention to your skin and what works for you - everybody can tolerate different amounts of sun exposure), allowing my body to soak up all the beautiful rays and then, if I”m going to be on the water for a prolonged period of time, I apply a bit of chemical-free sunscreen. You can check the Environmental Working Group’s website for safety ratings to pick a brand that works for you. With cooler nights this time of year the water is cooling down here in the midwest - perfect for a cold water plunge. While it may not be as cold as an ice bath it still feels great and is an effective way to stay up on your mitochondrial health.

Now that you have some inspiration, get out on the water! I’d love to hear your paddle stories. Drop me a line on one of my Instagram accounts: @amandarbryant and @contradictionqueen, shoot me an email, or comment here. Big love and enjoy these last bits of summer!

XOXO ~Amanda