A Little More On Purpose

In my last post I posed the question, "What if the real purpose of life is to create greater connection, light, love, and joy in the world simply through expressing the most connected version of ourselves moment to moment?" The more I thought about it the more questions came up.  How do we earn income if this is what we focus on? How do we nurture our creative desires while providing for family? How de we weave this into the economic structure that is already in existence?

To be honest, I think it just happens.  If we lived from a place of finding connection within and expressing it outwardly we would most likely manifest jobs that reflected our deepest desires.  We'd create a family life that mirrored the intentions of our soul.  We'd drive cars that were an extension of our spirit (whether an old pick-up or a pimped out Maserati).  We'd notice more of the world around us with less competition.  We'd rejoice in the other and her expression of self and we'd feel completely satiated in our life too.  

Without competition we could enjoy what we have with less worry about how to get something else.  We could follow the ebb and flow of the universe...  Allowing our inner guidance to steer the path, embracing whatever that looked like.  Sure, this may sound hooky, a bit woo woo, and yet it feels gloriously divine...  To tap into that energy...  To allow it to guide us and go to work on our behalf...  Wouldn't that be luxurious? I think so.


And that is why I decided to go for it.  The picture above, that's me, heading toward my dreams; literally right in the middle of leaving the life I've known, stepping into the one I have imagined.  That was my last dinner with family before embarking on a new journey that has taken me many miles away.  That's what it looks like to be right in the thick of it. Stepping from the known into the unknown.  

What you can't see in that photo is the complete exhaustion I'm feeling from working 18 hour days, preparing to launch.  You also can't see the excruciating pain in my back from displaced ribs and a jacked up sacrum.   What you do see is my big smile and the light behind my eyes.  You may get a glimpse of the excitement in my soul, knowing I'm ready to leap.  The simultaneous feelings of physical pain and spiritual elation, believing I am crossing into something so connected that life will never be the same, is something no words could begin to convey.  And you know what? As I'm writing this I'm still in the thick of it.  I'm living in a hotel, belongings in storage, believing in the power of creation to bring me a home and life that is a true expression of my spirit.  The courage to create that, life from the inside out, is something I wish for everyone. 

Speaking of courage... yes, it is a very courageous thing to venture from the safety of the den into the wild.  For me though, there is a knowing that comes from living a connected life and that knowing creates a safe space.  I'm not suggesting I jumped out of an airplane without a parachute (or that you should ever do anything so crazy!).  Following the intuitive path is quite the opposite.  It is safe.  It is nurturing.  It brings guidance and creative options.  It is a path we all have the ability to follow with a little practice. 

So, if you find the space within, if you can allow yourself the indulgence, I challenge you to take this opportunity to ask yourself what your life would look like if you were doing work that felt good? What would you do if nothing mattered more than living a connected life? What career would you create for yourself? What dreams would you manifest? What steps would you take? Would you have children? None? Would you own a home or become a gypsy? Would you run a Fortune 500 or serve locals at the diner down the street? The possibilities are endless.  The choice is yours.  Tune in or tap out.  It's up to you.

If this post resonates with you and you want to learn more, contact me.  I am currently working with a select number of clients and am in the process of curating classes specifically designed to take you to the next level.