Attainable Affirmations

Affirmations are one tool I LOVE to use when creating the life of my dreams. They keep me on track and remind me that anything is possible. However, there are some tricks to creating an affirmation that works for you. If your affirmation isn’t believable - mind, body, and spirit - it will get you nowhere. So, read on to learn a few tricks to making your affirmation attainable.

1. Create an affirmation that honors the process of unfolding. Like a rose unfolds in the sun, we too transform by opening ourselves up, layer by layer. So, if you’re feeling like you want to pull yourself out of the funk you’re in create an affirmation that eases you in to the next best state. A couple examples of this are:

“My body, mind, and spirit are awakening to new possibilities.”

“I am feeling more energized day by day.”

“I am always guided toward my highest good.”

These affirmations are not tied to a concrete measure and therefore allow you to ease in to possibility. I find this settles the nervous system and creates an opportunity to open up to more - body, mind, and spirit. Give it a try and observe the ways you become guided to manifest your desires.

2. Recite affirmations that feel real. If your affirmation doesn’t feel real it won’t be attainable. Our intuition always knows the truth. So, don’t bother trying to trick yourself into believing something you know isn’t for you. Take a few minutes and get curious about what feels best to you. What are you trying to achieve? Is it a soul level desire? Do you need to surrender to the thing you’re trying to change? Use this guidance to create an affirmation that’s right for you. For instance, when I’m having a difficult time staying put when I know I should I recite this one:

“I practice patience with ease and surrender to what my soul is here to learn.”

Then, I often follow it up with a prayer. One of my favorites:

“Dear divine goddess within, guide me on this path and allow me to see the next step as it is revealed. Grant me the wisdom to stay and to go as you wish, for you are my highest good. I surrender to you, Internal Knowing, and walk this path with ease. Amen.”

3. Keep your affirmation handy and allow them to be fluid. Post your affirmations around the house and/or put them in your phone so you can access them on a moment’s notice. Let them serve as reminders for the life you really want to live. At the same time, don’t get stuck on reciting your affirmation perfectly every time. Allow your intuition to tweak it as you evolve. You may notice that from day to day you make tiny changes that add up to you feeling even more aligned with your affirmation than when you began. This is where the magic happens! When we feel in complete alignment with our affirmation time stands still, our subconscious shifts, and our soul receives in full. When this happens you’ll likely feel a subtle shift in your body, much different from the fireworks you expected. More peace will be within you; your knowing more astute. Your affirmation is now intertwined with your divine being.

Was this helpful? Do you feel more clear on the affirmations you want to incorporate into your life? If so, drop me a line or comment on my latest social media post. I want to hear from you! Life is filled with bliss and we can tap in to more if we use the right tools. I’m here to help with that.

Big love! Until next time... XOXO ~Amanda