Unconditional Acceptance

In my last post, Sacred Frustration, I left off not knowing what would come next on my journey within.  As I sat in the unknown a shift began to occur and through that shift, the next step was born.  That is what I want to share with you today.  We've all heard of unconditional love, but what about unconditional acceptance? This term came to me during one of my morning meditations and from the moment I heard it I knew there would be big work to do to unwind and understand.  In the presence of my meditation I allowed myself to receive the feeling of unconditional acceptance.  There, in that moment, I could see light flooding my body from my root chakra to my crown.  As it rose throughout my body, so did my power.  I stayed there soaking in all the light, the love, the power and then when it was time to leave my meditation pillow I simply asked myself to remember the phrase, unconditional acceptance, during difficult moments.  I even wrote a little unconditional acceptance mantra for myself and put reminders in my phone to recite it a few times a day.  

As I moved through the days and weeks, I sat with this idea/feeling, letting it take root, asking the divine to reveal more, and after some time I got clear about how I could bring this into the physical realm of my life.  For me, unconditional acceptance means completely noticing and acknowledging the nitty gritty (I mean it's pretty easy to accept what we judge as beautiful, right?).  Another way to look at it is non-resistance to anything in life.  When writing this I actually looked up the definition of acceptance and one is the "belief in goodness of something" (thesaurus.com).  This definition especially rang true for me.  So, when things aren't going the way I selfishly want, unconditional acceptance means realizing that there is an innate "goodness" in the experience.  That is, I'm having the experience because I need it.  I have a valuable soul lesson to learn and this is helping me do it.  That is a crucial shift.  Especially when the idea of accepting something I don't want feels at the very least, uncomfortable, and at times even harmful or unsafe.  While I deeply know I am ultimately safe, when old shit gets triggered I don't always feel that way and accepting in that moment often feels like settling.  Depending on the situation it may feel like settling for a less healthy version of myself, a less than perfect relationship, for less financial success than I desire; basically, some version of settling for less.  However, what spirit is here to show me is that unconditional acceptance actually brings more.  

Acceptance brings more love, expansion, peace, harmony, gratitude, and all the high vibrations that create a happy, vibrant life.  It is only my fear of acceptance that creates stress, strife, pain, resistance, and lack.  Once I accept I can see more clearly.  I can feel more fully.  I can open myself in new ways.  I can create magic.  Sure, when I'm going through the pain I don't always immediately think to shift my perspective and be accepting.  That's why the divinity in me had to bring it to my awareness (can I get an amen for meditation?).  When I'm angry or afraid I want to resist.  However, that's not necessarily helpful.  And, on a deeper level, part of unconditional acceptance is also accepting the anger and fear.  So, no judgment for having human emotions! I must acknowledge these emotions in order to become aware of why I'm triggered.  This is a path to deep healing.  So, unconditional acceptance asks me not to judge.  Instead, it asks me to observe my physical, emotional, and spiritual state and to acknowledge where I can make a conscious shift in order to live my best life.  Unconditional acceptance asks me to make room for what is while simultaneously holding space for the manifestation of my deepest desires, however that may come.  I think that's a pretty cool request, especially this time of year, with all the change that is fall.  The changing leaves are a reminder to let go and accept.  Allowing what is and what is to come.  Noticing.  Shifting.  Peace to all of you on your journey and may this post support you in finding your way.