
I had a beautiful blog post ready to go for you today and then, suddenly, it was gone. It disappeared. Vanished into thin air. So, I’m re-grouping, following internal guidance, and writing this one instead. I hope it speaks to you and brings you just what you need.

For the last few weeks “surrender” has been “up” for me. Everywhere I turn it seems this concept is calling my name (including losing the so perfectly researched and put together post I intended to publish today). The universe is sending me a message, loud and clear, “SURRENDER!” and, when you think you have surrendered all you can, surrender some more. So, that’s exactly where I’m putting my attention - exactly where it’s being drawn.

If you caught my Instagram story earlier this week you may have seen me talking on this topic (another area of surrender - I forgot to save it as intended). It has really been in the forefront of my thoughts lately and I think important to share with you. It’s easy to get caught up in what we want and for those of us that pride ourselves in being spiritually minded, we may even think we are surrendering to the will of the universe. I know I did. However, if we look a bit more closely, we may see that we still want control. Control of the outcome. Control of the process. Control of ANYTHING. Just some form, any form, of control! We say things to ourselves like, “If I do what I’m being guided to do, I’ll get what I want.” We pray or meditate for guidance, but don’t truly release it because we still want control over what comes to us in the end. We have an on-going false narrative with ourselves, thinking we control anything at any given point in time, yet cling to that belief like a life raft in the middle of the ocean. When truthfully, that little old thing isn’t actually doing much to preserve our existence in that big ol’ ocean we’re floating in.


When we get down to it, true surrender requires us to give up any semblance of control. Sure, we can hope and dream, but we must be willing to accept what comes whether or not it is what we had hoped or dreamed. We must trust the fullness of the process, even the parts we don’t like, and the unknown that comes with walking by faith. Faith in our universe, our god, higher power, for continuing to breathe through us, guiding us along our path and accepting that we have no idea where we’re going to end up, yet trusting that it will be in alignment with our highest good. Yes, we have spiritual hits and ideas of truths, but can we accept that we truly have no control and begin facing life with that perspective. What would that require of us?

So, here today, with this short little unplanned message, I encourage you to re-evaluate the areas of life where you think you have fully surrendered and ask yourself and great spirit if there’s anywhere you need to surrender some more. The answer may surprise you… and maybe not.

Happy Sunday! XOXO ~Amanda