"You People"
I’ve heard a lot of this lately…
“You people” are causing pain. “You people” are irrational. “You people” are destructive. “You people” are scary. “You people.”
Who are these “you people?’ Your mother? Your father? Brother or sister? Friend? Colleague? Someone you used to respect?
What if we turned “you people” on its head? Made it a collective “we?” What if we started approaching “you people” with compassion? Curiosity? Love? Would “you people” still exist?
What if we began looking for our commonality rather than difference? What if we began to notice that we mostly want the same thing? That we are more alike than different?
What if we began to trust? What if we embody our sovereignty? What if…
You fill in the blank. You decide. Will you be part of the divide?