A Few Luxuries to Get Your New Year Started

A Few Luxuries to Get Your New Year Started

Life is all about living and there are a few luxuries that make it all the sweeter. Today I’m sharing a few of my favorites in hopes of making your days a little brighter too.

My first recommendation is Dry Farm Wines. I have been a long time lover of wine, however a few years ago I started noticing it didn’t always sit well with me. I’d often end up with a massive headache or nausea even when I’d only had one glass. I tried all different types, but it was always hit or miss… and mostly misses. Then I discovered Dry Farm Wines, a company devoted to clean, lab tested wines with low sugar content. I can now have a glass (or two) without having to worry if I’m going to feel bad after and they taste absolutely divine. I love that each delivery is a surprise - an opportunity to try something new. However, if you find a favorite you can special order that too.


Next up is Palo Santo and Sage. Whether I’m feeling anxious, blue, out of body, fully embodied by the divine, or just in need of some alone time I can always count on one (or both) of these to meet me in my moment. I love burning them while practicing yoga, when doing cleansing rituals around the house, and during my daily meditation time. There’s something about taking the time to create a personal ceremony that feels extra luxurious to me. Maybe it’s the ritual, maybe it’s simply taking the time to slow down, either way, it’s a definite do.

Something else that makes me feel totally luxe, sparkling mineral water. I drink a lot of water in a day and that can get pretty boring. So, I spice things up a bit by pouring myself a fancy glass of sparkling water and voilà, transformation made. Some of my favorites are San Pellegrino, Topo Chico, Mountain Valley, and Gerolsteiner. Also, if you didn’t know, these waters really are worth spending on. They contain higher mineral content than filtered water (an important factor in overall well-being) and the bubbles (which vary in size) can aid in digestion. Try a few and find your favorite!

Finally, I’ve got to recommend pretty drinking glasses. Ever since I was a little girl I’ve had an obsession with glasses. I’d always ask my mom to buy me “special glasses” for dinner and have loved the way I feel with one in my hand ever since. My latest purchase was similar to these and even though they are technically Old Fashioned glasses I use them for red wine (Dry Farm, of course) and sparkling water. I guess sometimes it just feels fun to get creative and live life outside the box! I highly recommend giving it a try.


What are some of your favorite things that make life more enjoyable? I’d love to hear! Health is layered and complex so don’t forget the importance of feeding your spirit. After all, everything is connected!

XOXO ~Amanda