Contradiction Queen

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My Ultimate Travel Hacks Wherever You Go

With Spring upon us I’ve been thinking all things travel. Naturally that includes supplements, practices to increase energy, eating on the road, and even ways to keep mitochondria healthy on the go. So today I’m sharing my tried and true hacks, many of which I learned from Bulletproof, and they are bound to take your trip to the next level. Thanks in part to these hacks, I even climbed the ruins in the photo below! How’s that for living life with a chronic condition?! Read on to learn how you too can kick more ass and live life to the fullest, including travel.

If you’re taking a flight you may be ready for less than ideal seating arrangements and a germ cabin, bud did you know the lighting on airplanes wreaks havoc on your mitochondrial health and drains your energy? This is why I always travel with sunglasses and a hat, not to shield myself from the sun, to shield myself from junk light. I wear them in flight to reserve energy for what I really want - playing at my destination - and to keep my mitochondria nice and healthy. Our brains have to work extra hard to balance the sunlight coming in through windows and the artificial LEDs overhead, so lessen the load with this easy hack. Don’t stop there, since skin is light sensitive too it’s important to dress in layers and stay covered up as much as possible while in the air. Reserve flaunting that bod for your destination.

Another flight do, take headphones. In-flight noise can be a lot to handle and besides being annoying it can be a source of energy drain. So, take noise cancelling headphones, if possible, or at the very least pack some ear buds to drown out the noise. Bonus points if you listen to an audio book or play your favorite tunes, maybe even some relaxing classical or spa music for a nap. You can also listen to an in-flight meditation if you tend to get anxious in the air.

The next thing on my list may be foreign to you, however I’m obsessed with it, especially for travel. It’s nose oil. While I first learned about it as part of an Ayurvedic cleansing practice it helps keep nostrils dry and germs at bay too. So, before boarding the plane simply put a drop or two in each nostril. Hold your head back until you begin to feel or taste the oil in your throat. Then return upright. Some oil will drain back out so have a tissue handy. I also sometimes use my finger to rub the oil on the inside of my nose. This provides a barrier for germs that you may inhale in crowded airports and on planes. Instant health hack!

Next up, I always travel with KetoPrime. This is my little secret to staying high energy on trips and clearing out the brain fog (which m ay or may not be induced by one too many drinks by the water). While I always have grand visions of relaxing on vacation the truth is I want to experience my destination and make fun memories with friends and family. In order to do this I have to take extra good care of myself on the road. While I mostly stick to my usual diet, sometimes it’s worth it to indulge in a locally made gluten free bread or an extra glass of that delicious wine. Couple that with being in a different time zone or being off my usual sleep schedule and chances are I’m going to need an extra boost. When that’s the case I pop a KetoPrime, usually mid to late day, to increase my energy and keep me in the game.

Speaking of sleep. I don’t go anywhere without Sleep Mode. This stuff is a life saver, especially when I’m exposed to blue-light later in the day or am in a different time zone, both of which often happen on vacation. This supplement contains a small amount of melatonin to ease me into sleep and helps me stay there all night long. If I do happen to wake up through the night, I’ve found I get back to sleep more easily if I’ve taken a Sleep Mode. Hint, half the dose works best for me. And, while I’m on the subject, if you can, make time for a quick afternoon nap or ten minutes of legs up the wall. It will rejuvenate you for the evening so you can fit in all the fun!

I’m also never without the energy boosting supplement, Mito2Max, when traveling. This one contains amino acids, CoQ10, polyphenols, and adaptogens to support mitochondrial function, circulation, mental health, and protects against free radicals. I usually take one capsule (1/2 a dose) mid-morning. If I’m really dragging I take one capsule with breakfast and a second one in the afternoon (a full dose divided into two doses). Just be careful not to take too late in the day or you won’t be able to sleep! Of course, maybe that’s your goal.. you are on holiday after all.

Speaking of energy, I could not get through a travel hack post without mentioning Bulletproof Coffee or Matcha. You probably already know how much I love my Bulletproof Coffee and Matcha. So, I’m sure it’s no surprise that I keep up the habit even when on the road. Lucky for me, Bulletproof makes it easy even though traveling with liquids is not. How? InstaMix. These single serve packets contain a mix of grass fed butter and brain octane oil so all I have to do is empty the packet into my coffee or tea, blend with a small battery operated milk frother/stirrer, and voila… Bulletproof magic at my fingertips! While I don’t usually travel with Bulletproof beans it would be easy to carry a container of ground beans with you. I do, however, take single serve packets of matcha since it’s not easy to find and can easily be blended with hot water and InstaMix. While this makes my mornings easy, I do still give attention to navigating food choices throughout the day.

It makes sense to want to indulge a little on holiday. However, it’s important to keep some balance in order to feel my best for the adventure ahead. So, I generally stay pretty close to my usual Bulletproof diet, indulging in native fruits or local fish if I want to change things up. For instance, when visiting a little fishing town in Mexico I had local ceviche with their take on the seasonings and baked fish with a beautiful fruit salsa. It was delicious and I felt powered up for the rest of my day rather than that sluggish feeling I would’ve gotten from a heavier dish or something fried. So, have fun with it and make conscious choices. Maybe it’s worth it to eat a heavier meal if you know you’ll have time to sleep it off without interrupting your vibe. Perhaps that fried fish is calling your name and you’re okay with the brain fog that may ensue. You are on vacation after all! My advice - decide on your non-negotiables (for me that’s sugar and gluten) before you set out on your adventure, stick to those, and play the rest by ear! Bonus tip, opt for tequila with freshly squeezed lime or grapefruit over sugary mixed drinks and margaritas. You’ll feel much better and still enjoy your holiday!

Another food tip, I always take my favorite healthy snacks. If you were to take a look in my carry-on you’d see Bulletproof collagen bars, a mix of pistachios, macadamia nuts, and pecans, Manzanilla olives, Lily’s chocolate, single serve packets of coconut butter, and fresh berries. For road trips I may even sneak in a cooler with boiled eggs, homemade guacamole (we make a simple nightshade-free version with avocado, cilantro, lemon or lime, salt and pepper) with fresh cut veggies and Siete chips for dipping, fresh fruit, Vitamin Water Zero, and some Bulletproof Coldbrew. Taking snacks is a great way to ward off the munchies with healthy, energizing options.

It’s super important to stay healthy during travel. For this reason I always carry a few dōTERRA essential oils and On Guard hand sanitizer with me. I use the hand sanitizer to spray and wipe down seats, tables, and trays, as well as to clean our hands before eating or after touching anything suspicious. The essential oils do double duty, providing antibacterial and antiviral properties as well as added energy and health benefits. So, which ones can you find in my travel bag? I never set out on a journey without my Autonomic Nervous System Blend, OnGuard salve or oil, Cypress, Balance, Copaiba, and a Citrus Oil like Grapefruit. Since Cypress boosts energy I like to mix it with a carrier oil and rub on my legs before an excursion or day filled with activity and often mix it with a Citrus Oil for added oomph. A drop of Citrus can even be added to water for some much needed refreshing hydration. Copaiba stops pain in it’s tracks. For this reason I like to add it to my Bulletproof coffee or matcha the morning after a physically active day (sometimes I add a drop of OnGuard too for boosting immunity). Copaiba can also be added to a carrier oil and applied topically. I turn to the grounding properties of Balance to combat any anxiety or if I’m feeling a bit flighty from all the excitement. I simply rub a small amount on the bottoms of my feet, wrists or neck and inhale deeply to bring on the zen. As for OnGuard, we use it daily to keep germs at bay, especially on cruises. The ANS Blend is great for anyone, especially those with dysautonomia. I use it when traveling to keep my nervous system in check and energy levels up for a symptom free experience. Kevin loves the scent and says it makes him feel better in general.

Don’t forget your supplements! I take a lot of pills to keep myself dysautonomia strong, so I divide them out into a pill organizer to save space and time. Since traveling can throw our digestive systems out of whack I always take extra magnesium and a probiotic as well as my usual multi-vitamin, kelp, D3, B-12, C, methyl-folate, and 5HTP.

Electrolytes are a must for anyone with dysautonomia, however I’ve found my entire family benefits from a daily dose of electrolytes when traveling. Since traveling with fluids can be a pain I opt for Ultima Hydrator or Esther-C/Emergen-C. They all come in a powder form and are available in single serve packets, super convenient for travel. It’s as simple as preparing a bottle each morning and throwing in your to-go bag. Bonus tip: if you’re cruising you can purchase cases of bottled water ahead of time and they’ll be in your room upon arrival. This is generally less expensive than purchasing bottles on the ship and while I don’t usually promote bottled water, in my experience ship water isn’t the greatest either. So, for me, it’s the lesser of two evils.

My final hack for today is compression. Calf compressions or compression pants and shirts really help reduce the stress placed on us through travel. Whether by car or plane there are specific stresses put on our bodies in transit that we don’t necessarily encounter in a regular day. So, I like to use compression to help my body adjust to sitting longer than usual or when going through pressure changes, such as those associated with air travel. If you have dysautonomia you may use compression in your day to day, if not this may seem like an odd concept, usually reserved for sports or injuries. Wherever you are on the spectrum, if you add or up your compression for travel days I can almost guarantee you’ll notice a big difference in how you feel upon arrival, whether that means freeing up energy for the rest of your trip or getting back to the post-holiday grind.

I hope you have found these hacks helpful. Drop me a line to let me know your favorite travel hacks and don’t forget to look back at My Top Tips for Traveling with a Chronic Condition and My Top Travel Tips Take Two for more inspiration. Remember, we’re constantly learning and adjusting to new information. Whether that be environments, discoveries in science, or personal experiences, stay open and keep going!