Beat the Heat with a Popsicle Treat

I don't know about you, but I really dig summer.  The water, the sun, the laid back attitude.. it's all so very perfect.  A total dream for this girl.  School's out, so there are no daily schedules or responsibilities.  Days are much sunnier, taking my mood to next level happy.  I just love it! The only downside for me can be the extreme heat.  While I love warmer days in general, I do have my limits and life with dysautonomia means if I get heated up I need to cool down in a hurry.  Enter popsicles.  I've loved popsicles since I was a child.  Many of my summer memories involve playing in the water hose and having a popsicle in the yard on a hot summer day.  So, it's no surprise that I still love me a popsicle to help cool down from the heat.  Sensory memories can be strong and this one is no exception.  Of course I grew up in an era where flavored sugar water was the popsicle of choice and our parents didn't think twice about it.  Even though the thought of buying those sugar laden pops for Jagger makes my skin crawl, somehow we all turned out okay.  Don't get me wrong, Jagger has his fair share of sugar and has even had a traditional popsicle on occasion (I'm only human and he does have plenty of family members to spoil him when we're visiting).  It's just that when I think of popsicles these days I envision a fun treat that's a bit more nourishing than the frozen pops of my day.  So, we've taken to making homemade popsicles and while I loved the Kool-Aid in an ice tray version I made as a kid, I've amped up the nutritional factor for our summers in the sun.  Don't worry, these no sugar added popsicles still taste deliciously sweet, even without all that added sugar, and they're kid approved.  Jagger gave them a big smile and two thumbs up! Success!

I kept the recipe simple too.  If you have a blender and popsicle molds or an ice tray, you are good to go.  If not, you seriously need to invest in a blender and popsicle molds! For real though, how can you go through life without a blender? The creations you can make with them is endless.. smoothies, sauces, soups, margaritas, daiquiris, powdered sugar.. and popsicles! Hello! So, no excuses.  You NEED a blender.  Now, back to the popsicles.  I created this invention with the idea that they should be easy breezy and full of healthy fats, antioxidents, and hydration to help us beat the heat.  I also wanted to add a smidge of anti-inflammatory and brain benefits because, why not?! If I can make a frozen treat that makes me happy AND helps me feel better, I'm in.  Plus, they don't require much more effort than mixing up a jug of Kool-Aid (AKA the homemade popsicles of my childhood) and are pretty inexpensive to make, so I have no reason not to indulge.  I mean who wants to put a bunch of effort into making anything on a hot day? Not me! Plus, if you want something quick and easy to grab on the go that's also healthy and inexpensive, these popsicles check all the boxes.  And if you choose to eat one (or give it to your kids) for breakfast, it's perfectly acceptable.  I won't tell!  This recipe can be created in about two minutes (minus the freeze time).  Perfect, right?! So, maybe make them before you hit the pool, beach, or park so they are waiting for you when you get home! I can't think of a better way to beat the heat than with this popsicle treat.  

Ok, enough small talk, on to the ingredients.  I started with a can of full fat coconut milk.  Please don't skimp with a low fat version.  This is not the place, people! These fats are healthy, plus they add a light creaminess to the popsicle that you're going to find very replenishing after a day in the sun.  While you can use other non-dairy milks I chose coconut because according to Ayurveda it has a naturally cooling effect which is perfect for a hot summer day.  Next, I threw in some wild blueberries and cherries.  Why both? Well, the combination of flavor is one of my favorites (I LOVE it on waffles) and both fruits offer their own unique nutritional profile and health benefits.  Think of it as more bang for your buck.  Wild blueberries (not the conventional kind) have a positive effect on the brain (possibly even helping to prevent Alzheimers), aid the digestive system, are anti-viral, and provide lots of antioxidant power, which is especially nourishing in the summer when we tend to spend more time in the sun.  Cherries are known for their anti-inflammatory benefits, so if you suffer from chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, or inflammation of any kind (and who doesn't from time to time?) this fruit is for you.  Cherries also support heart health, more restful sleep, and calm the nervous system.  If that's not enough, they may also help ease headaches and decrease irritability.  So, yay for us! I also threw in some turmeric and cinnamon to help the tummy, joints, circulation, and metabolism among other things (turmeric is a true miracle worker).  You're welcome.  Finally, a little Himalayan salt brings out the sweetness and is great for helping the body hold some hydration and balance electrolytes in hot summer months.  Told you I put thought into this.  So, these popsicles do triple duty, cooling us off, helping our bodies, and tasting great. 

I'm so excited for you all to try these that I'm going to let you get to it right away! I hope you'll love this sweet and silky summer creation, I know we do.  Oh, and one last thing! If you're thinking "turmeric in a popsicle?!" Yes.  Just give it a try.  I've added so little that you can't even taste it.  I promise.  It's worth a try to reap the health benefits.  If you love turmeric I challenge you to add a little more.  It's a really great compliment to the other flavors and you'll get even more of its healing properties.  Now, get in that kitchen and get started! Summer won't last forever!



(No Sugar Added)

Makes 4-6 Popsicles or a Tray of Cubes


1 Can Full Fat Organic Coconut Milk, chilled

1/4 Cup Frozen Organic Wild Blueberries

1/4 Cup Frozen Organic Cherries

10-12 Drops Liquid Stevia

1/4 - 1/2 tsp Himalayan Salt

1/4 - 1/2 tsp Organic Cinnamon

1/4 - 1/2 tsp Organic Turmeric


Open canned coconut milk.  Due to refrigeration, the fat will likely be solidified at the top.  Spoon it off, placing in blender, and pour all remaining liquid on top.  Turn blender on low for a few seconds to incorporate.  Turn blender to off, remove lid, and place all remaining ingredients (wild blueberries, cherries, liquid stevia, Himalayan salt, cinnamon, and turmeric) in blender.  Turn on medium for a few seconds, allowing all ingredients to blend together and become smooth.  Give the mixture a taste.  Add more stevia, salt, or spices, if needed, and blend a few more seconds.  Remove blender lid and pour ingredients into popsicle molds or an ice tray leaving a small amount of space at the top to allow room for expansion during freezing.  If using popsicle molds place tops/sticks on mold.  If using ice cube tray place a piece of foil over the top of the tray and insert toothpicks into the center of each cube.  The foil will hold the toothpick in place while liquid is freezing.  Allow to freeze for a few hours or overnight.  Remove from freezer.  If using molds, run warm water over the outside of mold to loosen popsicle.  Remove from mold/ice tray and enjoy!

P.S. Our Cat LOVES these and as far as I can tell they are perfectly healthy for animals too (I'm no expert so please use your best judgment).