City Brunch with a Garden Punch

Summer is almost here and for us, that usually means travel.  Whether we're planning a short visit to a nearby city or a longer excursion to somewhere farther away, good food is always at the top of our travel to-do list.  All three of us are self-proclaimed foodies, so culinary play is an important part of our travel experience.  To me, there's no better way to immerse myself in the culture of a new city or country than to try their food.  So, local eats are a must! There is a long line of history and tradition passed down through recipes and you can experience that story with one culinary excursion.  If you stop and think about it, some component of what's on your plate probably began in somebody's grandmother's kitchen.  Pretty cool, right?! Even the newer hipster and fusion spots feature menu items birthed from a long history of exploration and culture.  If culinary history isn't your jam, there's always the social aspect of dining out to get you out and about and local restaurants are just the place to partake.  Whether we're dropping in for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or something in between, we consistently meet the most interesting people at these restaurants.  Many of them are locals.  Others are tourists like us, looking for a piece of local tradition.  Either way, it never fails that we end up turning complete strangers into new acquaintances through conversations stimulated by what someone ordered, the best thing on the menu, or how we like the city.  Sometimes the convo even lends itself to sampling one another's food or drink (which, in my opinion, is way fun!) and we may even pick up a hint or two about other things to explore in the area.  Plus, what's not to love about getting new recipe ideas from the best local restaurants around? Menus all over the globe are full of inspiration if we just give them a try.  So, there's much more to sharing the culinary experience than just the food, although that is reason enough to at least get us in the door.  For these reasons and many more, I say exploring new restaurants (even if they are just new-to you) must be added to your travel to-do list! 

So where do I get the ideas for the best restaurants around? The internet of course! While I do use Yelp, it's not the only tool in my bag.  There are all kinds of travel and tourism sites dedicated to food and if you just google best restaurants in the city you plan to visit, I'm sure you'll get a list longer than you can eat your way through.  Blogs like this one are also a great way to get insight into the best local eats around.  Another thing I like to do is ask the locals where they go when they want the best tacos or patio in the city (for example).  So, stay open and start searching! Speaking of websites, I have to give a shoutout to the city of Indianapolis.  They've done a great job highlighting the best foodie restaurants in town right on their Visit Indy site.  I was blown away when I saw their page and think all cities should hop on board! Also, it was super easy to find.  I'm pretty sure I just googled "foodie restaurants Indianapolis" and voilá the foodie section magically appeared.  Yes! I like easy! 

The Visit Indy site was actually where I found the local gem I'm writing about today, The Garden Table.  It was listed as one of Indy's best brunch spots and as soon as I saw it I knew I just had to try it.  It definitely looked like my kind of spot.  From the decor to the menu selection, this place was a dream and there was no way I was visiting Indy without seeing it for myself.  This was definitely going to be one of my picks! So, when we were finally on our way, the second morning of our stay, I was stoked! I tried to bring my anticipation down a notch (because who wants to be disappointed all because they built something up in their mind), but it was pointless.  So, I let go and enjoyed every moment of the excitement .  I was going to act like a kid on Christmas morning, no apologies.  So, like any modern kid, I took a gazillion Snapchat photos to capture the excitement of the moment.  Thankfully my boys were good sports and didn't mind that I was letting my inner twelve year old girl play.  They even let me involve them in my shenanigans.  

Thanks to Snap I was distracted for the short ride to Mass Ave and before long we were there.  I could not wait to get out of that car and fill myself with all the goodness I could order.  Parking was easy with metered spots just steps from the entrance and the storefront was absolutely beautiful.  Big, open windows allowed us to see the patrons inside and views of them enjoying their morning invited us right on in.  Once we went through the door the first thing that captured our attention was a beautiful bar filled with fresh pastries and coffee.  We were in la la land with one look.  Soon though the hostess was bringing us back to reality with a greeting and her warm smile, seating us right away.  The atmosphere was simultaneously hip and cozy.  The menu boasted farm to table favorites and city spins on traditional eats.  The vibe was laid back city living.  This was paradise.  Our server was beyond polite and very helpful.  He kindly obliged our every need, had an answer for each question, and easily offered suggestions that would most likely fit our unique tastes.  With all the helpful chit chat it didn't take long for us to make our decisions.  This is how I know he was good... because I wanted everything on that menu and he was able to help me narrow it down in a few short minutes.  

Since we'd had coffee and pastries at the hotel we skipped those and began with juice.  The Garden Table is known for their fresh, cold-pressed juices so we ordered a flight (you only live once, right?!).  Even then it was a little difficult to choose only four.  With a little family discussion we made it through, happy with our final selection.  Detox Dream (if there's activated charcoal on the menu, we're trying it), Emerald Elixir.  Tropic Tonic.  Lush Love.  Honestly though, I don't think there was a bad choice on the menu.  These juices were phenomenal.  I can't say enough good things about them.  First of all they're cold pressed.  Hello, can someone say amped up health benefits?! Secondly, they're full of flavor and the blends are superb.  It says something if my son is drinking his greens with a smile on his face and that makes me one happy mama! Lucky for me I don't live next door to this place or I'd go bankrupt buying juice! For real though.

Next up.. food, the main event! Jagger ordered gluten free garden toast with an egg.  It was the barramundi bowl for Kevin.  While the silver dollar blueberry pancake stack with real maple syrup was a must try for me.  Truth be told, I couldn't wait to try Jagger's garden toast either.  If you've seen the pic you'll understand why.  As we waited for our food we sipped on our juice, admired the decor, and talked about all the fun on the menu for the day ahead.  We were starving, but the juice held us over quite nicely and before we knew it our food was being delivered.  It was gorgeous.  That's all I can say on that front.  Simply gorgeous.  If our food looked this good I couldn't imagine how divine they must taste.  Yes, I'm a sucker for a nicely plated dish.  I admit it.  Haven't you heard that eating begins with the eyes? I fully believe it.   

The boys are starting to get used to all my photography, so they sat back and watched as I snapped a few quick pics.  Then we all dug in.  My pancakes were delicate and tasteful.  Not too rich.  Just perfect.  The blueberries were plump and juicy, making me wonder if they could've been freshly picked.  Kevin was clearly in heaven.  All the oohs and ahhs let me know that he was growing happier with every bite.  His fish was cooked perfectly and the okra took him back to his Texas roots.  And, if a nine year-old boy is scarfing down something called "garden toast" you know you've hit the jackpot.  The yolk of that egg atop all the garden goodness was so bright and golden that I could've sworn they had chickens roaming free out back.  This was fresh and local at its finest.  We all loved our meals and our tummies couldn't have been more satisfied.  Jagger and I happily ate from one another's plates, taking in the balancing mix of sweet and savory.  Our spirits were soaring.  What a great start to our day.  Believe it or not, my expectations had been exceeded (and they were high).  Between the friendly staff, the warm decor, and some of the most delicious food I've eaten, this will forever be one of my most memorable brunch experiences.  If you ever find yourself in Indianapolis, be sure to check out this local gem!