Contradiction Queen

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Goin' Fishin'

Our first day in Indy was a full one.  By dinner we were all starving and ready for something healthy.  We'd indulged in everything our hearts desired and our bodies were now saying "Nourish me!" Don't get me wrong, all our indulgence was a form of self-nourishment too.  We had just hit our junk food wall.  Because we generally eat healthy our bodies don't let us get off track for long.  So, I've learned to do everything in moderation if I want to feel good.  While I do sometimes let loose and act a fool (I mean, we all need some crazy fun in our life, right?), I pay attention to whether it feels like something that will enrich my spirit and sense of connection or diminish it.  If it's not adding vibrancy, I skip it, and when my body is asking for a vegetable, I oblige.

We'd also barely spent any time at our hotel and, for me, those big comfy beds and luscious surroundings are one of the best parts of traveling.  So, we definitely needed to make some time for hanging in our room! Because of this we decided to eat somewhere within walking distance of our hotel.. another reason I love staying in the city! After dinner walks are great for digestion and clearing the mind.  Plus, the closer we stayed to our digs, the faster we could take advantage of that indoor pool and snuggle up for some TV time.  I also love staying in the city because it makes it easy for me to grab some quick rest when I need it.  We pack as much fun as possible into our time in the city, especially on short getaways, and this was no exception.  Because of my chronic conditions down time to reboot is a necessity, and I've learned that the fun and the rest are both doable with some advanced planning.  Simple decisions like an easy dinner near our hotel provides a window of opportunity for me to practice some self-care and feel my best for all the adventures to come.

With our criteria in mind we took to Yelp to find a nearby restaurant, in downtown Indianapolis, that would satisfy our needs. I definitely wanted a light, gluten free dinner after everything I'd had that day.  So, that was high on the list along with yummy, healthy options.  Kevin had been eyeing a place called Yard House and after looking at their menu, we decided to check it out.  

The weather was absolutely perfect for an early evening walk.  We almost didn't even need a jacket, especially because we only had a couple of blocks to go.  I took a sweater anyway because being comfortable is super important to me and I knew I'd need it later.  

When we walked into Yard House we were greeted by a kind young lady who checked the reservation we had made online.  She noted that we had requested gluten free options and made sure to supply us with a gluten free menu from the start.  So far, so good! The space itself was dimly lit (not the best for pics, but great for dinner) and oh so comfortable.  People were chilling at their tables, drinks in hand, and there was a low hum of conversations happening all around us.  Perfect! This was just what we needed after a very full day - no fuss, no muss.

Now, what to order? When we were choosing a restaurant, I had made sure they had vegetarian options, but now that I was here, I was craving something of a different variety.  For some reason I wanted FISH.  What?!?! Maybe it was all the walking we'd done, maybe I needed some grounding, whatever the reason, I was listening.  I very rarely eat meat of any kind, so I really pay attention when my body seems to be asking for it.  In the past I've resisted the urge in support of some "greater good."  That usually left me bed ridden for days on end (dysautonomia can be a tricky little son of a bitch), which is all of zero fun.  I've since taken to the idea that there is no greater good than my health and vitality.  Whatever the path to get there, that is my aim.  So, I can be vegan fifty to sixty percent of the time, vegetarian another twenty to thirty percent, and then have something not so vegan/vegetarian when my body asks for it the other ten to twenty percent.  That's just perfect for me.  I may go two years with no meat or two days.  The most important thing is that I'm making conscious choices.

Knowing I was ordering fish, I chose the only rosé on the menu.  It was quite delightful.  The wine was light in flavor with enough body to satisfy my palate and would compliment my fish really well.  I then chose a salad from the gluten free menu and added a piece of salmon to satisfy my fish craving.  This was going to be a delicious light and healthy gluten free meal to end my day, just what I wanted! Kevin decided on salmon as well (a heartier version) and Jagger's tummy would be satisfied with chicken, salad, and french fries.  The fries were an unusual choice for Jagman.  I honestly don't think he would've ordered them had our server not told him how good their's were.  Speaking of, our server was great with all of us, and gets bonus points for his interaction with Jagger.  As a mom, it means a lot when people are kind and interactive with my child.  He spoke directly to Jag, answered all of his questions, and made sure he felt like an important member of the table.  Cheers to that!  

As we waited on our food we talked about our day and the day ahead while playing games on Jagger's menu.  I think I loved the children's menu just as much as he did! Yard House kicked it up a notch in this department and I know all the parents out there are thankful for that.  It was full of games like word search, tic-tc-toe, and connect the dots, and we still had room to draw.  This kept us busy the whole time we waited for our meal.. very important with a kiddo at the table. 

Then, it was time.  Our food had arrived.  It was beautiful and fragrant, just as I had hoped.  The delectable scent hit my nose before I even saw the plates, something I took as a good omen.  Jagger was too hungry to indulge my need for a pic of his food, but I did get a quick one of Kevin's this time.  Those boys were hungry (as was I, so I get it)! Once I snapped a few pics I dug in to my meal too.  Wow! The seasoning on my salmon was out of this world.  It was perfectly cooked and tasted great with my greens and vinaigrette.  This dinner was fun, easy, and satisfying.  Just what we needed.  The atmosphere was great for adults, with or without kids, and Jag enjoyed it just as much as we did.  Just don't expect to get in and out in a hurry.  We enjoy leisurely dining, so this didn't bother us, but if you are someone that wants a quick dining experience this place may not be the spot for you.  Of course, I dine out enough to know this may have been a one off thing.  Who knows?! So, maybe give it a chance anyway.  The food and atmosphere are definitely worth it.