
7. Integration and Manifestation

In this episode I share how my block to manifesting was actually not a problem with manifesting at all. I get into how a series of events over my birthday week brought me face to face with my own limitations. I discuss how fear, shadows, and conditioning can hold us back and what I did to shift my energy in an instant.

I share a bit about the foundation I had laid and the noticing practices that allowed me to make such a quick shift. I also discuss how sometimes our blind spots keep us from seeing and/or receiving the miracles on offer. One other important topic I cover is how opening more widely to receivership is something I’m currently practicing as I expand into my feminine even more (although all beings have masculine and feminine energy, so this episode is for everyone!).

This is a short episode so that’s the jest of it. Have a listen, get inspired, and watch the magic happen!

7. Integration and Manifestation

5. More to the Story - Gifts the Wound Offered

When listening to last week’s episode it quickly dawned on me… there’s more! My story did not end in wounding and even thought I think I made that pretty clear last week, I wanted to share a few of the specific gifts this particular wounding offered me. So, in this episode I share how childhood rape and experiences of feeling unloved (via not being given to) rooted me deep in my body, taught me I can trust my inner knowing above all else, gave me the courage to voice my truth, and offered me a powerful understanding that I’ve always got my own back. I share a bit about high functioning as a coping mechanism for PTSD, the rite of passage that was my divorce, and how trusting my inner knowing set the stage for an easy opening to my spiritual gifts and psychic abilities. As always, I share my experience in hopes it will inspire you to walk your own path with a greater awareness of mind, body, spirit, and soul. Enjoy and big love!

5. More to the Story - Gifts the Wound Offered