Simple Snacking

I don’t know about you but I really enjoy a snack every now and then. Okay, let’s be honest, a 3:00 snack is part of my daily routine. My body requires energy and while Bulletproof Coffee keeps me going in the AM I need a bit more sustenance in the PM. So, today I’m sharing some of my favorite snacks and a few tips to keep your tummy happy and your body strong!

First, let’s talk framework.

  1. Pairing. This is a tip I share with my clients on the regular. When deciding on a snack, food combination goes a long way. If you tend to reach for carbs try pairing it with a protein to avoid dips in blood sugar and the energy slump that can follow. If you like sweets choose something that will allow you to feel indulgent while also sneaking in some protein or fat. A few of my favorite combos are berries with raw nuts, apple slices with unsweetened nut butter, celery with almond butter and raisins, Lily’s dark chocolate with a scoop of coconut butter., and of course, my homemade fat balls.

  2. Mindfulness. When you notice yourself wanting a snack take a moment to check in. What are you really hungry for? Is it food or something else? Perhaps you’re just bored or in need of some comfort or joy. Snacking is perfectly fine if you’re hungry for food, however it won’t be fulfilling if what you’re really after can’t be found in what’s on your plate.

  3. Hydration. It goes without saying that sometimes we eat when our body really just wants us to give it some love in the form of hydration. So, before you reach for that snack take note of how much water you’ve had today. Are you truly hungry or would your body be better served by a cup of herbal tea or some water with lemon?


Once you have an idea of what your body really wants and how to snack in a way that will increase your energy rather than deplete it, let me share some of my favorite snack options.

  1. Snack Plates. Rather than reaching for a bag of chips (hello inflammation) make yourself a quick snack plate with raw carrots, green olives, and raw cheese. You can even toss in a few grain free crackers or raw blanched almonds for added crunch. This option will likely increase your energy and give your cells food that actually works for them. You’re welcome. Too busy to make your own? You can often find pre-made selection in health food stores. Just make sure to double check that the ingredients are pure.

  2. Simple Mills Crackers. When I want something crunchy I often reach for Simple Mills Crackers. My two favorites are Rosemary and Sea Salt, but they have several options to choose from and all are pretty tasty. I choose these because they are grain free and are made from simple ingredients that my body can recognize. Sometimes I pair these with lavender goat cheese and green olives to hit the crunchy, creamy, salty combo I crave. They even have a version of pita crackers that pair great with organic, non-goo verified hummus. Check them out!

  3. Coconut Butter. Yep, you read that right. I often go for a spoonful of coconut butter when I need a late afternoon boost. It’s absolutely delicious on it’s own and I also like to pair it with Lily’s dark chocolate for a real treat. Another option is to throw some in my early afternoon matcha for a fulfilling pick me up without the crash. Coconut butter contains medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) which is an easy fuel source for the body, boosting energy and metabolism. It also contains lauric acid, which studies have shown is next to breast milk in its effectiveness for supporting a healthy immune system. Another bonus, it’s a great source of fiber. To learn more about this superfood visit Dr. Axe’s website.

  4. Chocolate. If I’m craving something sweet I almost always reach for a few pieces of a Lily’s Sea Salt Extra Dark chocolate bar. I especially love this one topped with unsweetened dried cherries or the aforementioned coconut butter. And, while this is my favorite, there are SO many delicious options. Our family tends to lean toward Crispy Rice, Almond, and Salted Carmel. Check out their site to find your favorite! Pair with nut butter or tahini to get your protein and fats.

  5. Pepperoni. When my body wants protein I almost always snack on Applegate Uncured Pork and Beef Pepperoni. I especially love Applegate pepperoni because it’s made with 100% grass-fed beef and humanely raised. If you are thinking “PEPPERONI?!” keep reading. My body requires extra salt and quite a bit of protein to function properly. Pepperoni is something I enjoy and feel good about eating. If your intuition guides you in a different direction, by all means, listen. That said, I have a few slices several times a week and especially love to wrap it around whatever snackable veggies I have in the fridge. Of course sometimes I eat it straight from the package. While I buy most of my meat locally, this pepperoni remains one of my favorites. Here’s some more info if you want to get more familiar with what Applegate is all about.

I hope you found this blog post helpful! I’d love to hear some of your healthy snack options. Comment below or comment on my Instagram page to share!