Pesto with a Twist

This morning started with full sun.  The forecast called for thunderstorms, but it was hard to imagine we'd get any rain since there wasn't a cloud in the sky.  After Jagger was off to school I went out on the deck to drink my coffee and meditate.  It was definitely breezy, so maybe a storm would roll in.  As the day wore on the sun grew stronger and the temperature began to climb.  It was eighty by just after mid-day and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.  Given the beautiful day, I decided to go for a run just before getting Jagger from school (okay, so I may have walked more than I ran, that's a minor detail).  After spending a half hour or so outside I was certain that the thunderstorms were going to miss us.  The wind had settled down, it was full sun, and the sky was as blue as could be.  So, I decided to text some local mamas to see if they wanted to take the kiddos to the park after pick-up.  I was definitely going to take advantage of this warm and sunny spring day with more outdoor play.

A few of the moms decided to join me and in no time, we had the kids and were off for some fun in the sun! Well, let me tell you, that didn't last long.  As I was leaving the school I noticed the sky looked a beautiful dark blue off to my right.  I was heading in the opposite direction though, so I didn't give it much thought.  To my left was still bright and sunny and that's where I was going, after all.  Once at the park the wind picked up almost immediately.  This was not a good sign.  Oh well! At least the kids could play for a few minutes.  As the kids played, us moms talked, and I quickly noticed that the temp was dropping drastically.  Heading to the school directly after my run, I had worn shorts and a t-shirt.  Now, I rarely wear shorts because I freeze everywhere I go.  However, it was over eighty degrees and we were going to the park.  So, of course I was going to wear shorts.  BIG MISTAKE! The wind was growing stronger the longer we stood there and the sky was turning darker by the second.  We could literally feel the cold air blowing in.  This was nuts.  Before long we rounded up the kids and Jagger and I were on the way home.  Not a moment too soon either.  The rain drops started hitting the car just as we pulled out of the park.  Then, in a flash, we were driving through a downpour.  I could barely see the road.  We were surrounded by dark grey and the sunshine was nowhere to be found.  Between the wind, the rain, and the clouds I was now a human popsicle.  With the seat heat on high we made our way home.  

During the drive I started thinking about what to make for dinner.  I was getting hungry and, thanks to the rain, wanted something warm and comforting.  This sudden turn of weather screamed comfort food.  The fact that I was already hungry meant prep and cook time couldn't take long.  I went to the store yesterday, so I started sifting through my mind, thinking of all the yumminess I had just purchased.  Thanks to brain fog I couldn't remember the majority of my list .. from just ONE DAY AGO.. so I thought I'd consult the handy dandy notes I keep on my phone once I got home.  Lists are quite literally my best friend when it comes to managing brain fog.  Without them I'd be completely lost most of the time.  I have notes everywhere and in some cases, even notes for my notes.  Not kidding.  But it works, so I'm gonna keep it up! Once home, with my list in front of me, I immediately knew what I was making - gnocchi with pesto.  The guys absolutely love my homemade vegan pesto and paired with gnocchi, it would make the perfect comfort food for this suddenly cold, rainy evening.

Traditionally, I pair my pesto with pasta.  Then, a few months ago I ran across a gluten free gnocchi and just had to give it a try.  I hadn't had gnocchi in quite some time because gluten free gnocchi is not easy to come by.  So, this was a very exciting discovery! I just love the density of the dumplings and even though they don't really hold onto the pesto the way a spiral or tubed pasta does, the flavors and textures go perfectly together.  Plus eating it with a spoon is an easy fix for getting more pesto off your plate and into your mouth.  Even though this particular gnocchi is marketed for kids, our entire family fell in love with it.  I haven't found any other gluten free gnocchi sold locally, so it does the job just fine, mini-size and all.  Just know, if you do choose to use this brand, you may only get two adult servings per package.  We usually serve ours with sides, so one package works well for the three of us, but I'm sure if I bought more we'd eat it up! My homemade pesto seems to do a disappearing act around here.  So, gnocchi in hand, I was off to make dinner.

As I mentioned earlier, we were pretty darn hungry.  So, I pulled out all the ingredients and got to work right away, making my pesto first, then the gnocchi.  This brand of gnocchi only takes a couple of minutes in boiling water, so I wanted to make sure I had the pesto prepared before the gnocchi hit the water.  That way, the dumplings would still be piping hot when I incorporated the pesto and got it plated.  The creamy pesto combines with the hot pesto just perfectly to make a meal as delicious as it is simple.  With this recipe, you can literally transform ingredients into a masterpiece in as little as ten to fifteen minutes.  It's one of our family favorites, any day of the week.  However, I especially love it on weeknights, when we're running home from playdates or soccer practice, because it leaves plenty of time for fun and snuggling before Jag's bedtime routine.

Now, I must warn you, this recipe does not include many exact measurements.  So, if you're a diligent recipe follower, be ready to fly free when you decide to make this.  It's ok, just pour yourself a glass of wine and let loose.  It'll be fun! Food is all about taste, especially sauces like pesto.  So, I usually just start out with a ballpark figure and add a little of this or that until I get it just right.  Part of the fun in cooking is the experimentation and being in the moment.  Plus, sometimes a clove of garlic or sprig of herb may be more or less pungent than another.  So, it's not always easy to go by exact measurements when working with varying flavors.  Just remember, begin small and work your way up.  You can always add flavor, but once it's in there you can't take it away.  And while this recipe serves two to three people, there will be enough pesto leftover for another meal.  Double bonus! So, add it to some noodles, a salad, or homemade pizza for another easy lunch or dinner a few days later.  



1 Package Gluten Free Gnocchi (I use Little Pasta Organics)

1 Bunch Organic Parsley

5 Artichoke Hearts (I use canned and save the rest for another meal later in the week)

2 Medium Organic Garlic Cloves

1/2 Cup Walnuts

Several Sprigs Organic Mint (approximately 1/4 - 1/3 cup)

1 Organic Lemon, halved

Crushed Red Pepper

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (approximately 1/3 - 1/2 cup)




For the pesto, place parsley, artichoke hearts, garlic cloves, walnuts, mint, salt, pepper, and juice of half the lemon in a food processor.  Replace the lid and turn on, pouring olive oil in the top opening to allow even incorporation of oil and ingredients.  Once pesto begins to look fairly even, stop the food processor and give it a taste.  This is when I add juice from the other half of the lemon and any more garlic, herbs, or artichokes needed to balance flavors.  Sprinkle in a few crushed red peppers, if desired.  Replace lid and give it a few more good pulses, adding more olive oil if necessary.  Pesto should be a creamy texture, a bit thicker than a jarred spaghetti sauce, and not too runny or chunky.  Remember, it's all about balance.  Once the right consistency is reached give the pesto another taste to make sure you've achieved desired flavors.  Make adjustments if necessary.  Set aside.

Meanwhile bring a large pot of water to a boil.  Salt liberally and add gnocchi.  Cook to package instructions.  Drain the gnocchi, reserving about a cup of the cooking liquid.  

Place drained gnocchi back in original pot.  Immediately add in about half of the pesto and about 1/4 cup of the reserved cooking liquid.  Gently stir together over medium low heat, adding more pesto or liquid if needed.  Give the gnocchi and pesto a couple of minutes to thicken over the heat, stirring often.  Remove from heat, plate, and prepare yourself for one of the best weeknight meals you've had this year.  It truly is delightful.  The lemon adds brightness while the mint cools everything down and the parsley releases notes reminiscent of fresh green earth, while the artichokes offer some sour.  And lets not forget the nuttiness of those walnuts.  Wow! Who needs cheese when this pesto delivers it all?! Make this one soon and let me know what you think!