Contradiction Queen
Contradiction Queen
Modern Day Medicine Woman Specializing in Alchemy Through Pleasure and Play

Medicine Woman

Creatively Minded Soul led Open Hearted

Hi. I’m Amanda Bryant, a Modern Day Medicine Woman who inspires others to break free from systems and conditioning to create the life of their dreams. I lead by example, living life from a place of commitment to my own inner guidance system, devotion to divinity, playful innocence, and surrender to and trust in life itself, while also fully embracing my rebellious nature, which I have learned supports me in shining my unique light even brighter.

I have faced much adversity in life, including childhood rape, divorce, chronic health conditions, and financial hardships. I have spent almost 20 years researching how the body, mind, spirit, and soul work together to guide us toward our highest expression. Much of this research was conducted consciously engaging with the happenings inside my own body and how they then related to my outside world. I purposely used my education in Conflict Analysis and Engagement, Adult Development, Integrative Nutrition, Tantra, and Consciousness to dive deeper into the challenges I was facing, believing they were there to teach me something. Then, just as I thought I was getting “better,” in 2019 I had a near death experience that took me even deeper into my own mystery. From there I was guided to apply for disability, leave my relationship, and begin another layer of my healing journey.

Being brought to my knees over and over again showed me how to lay in the lap of The Divine and consciously engaging with my life experiences taught me that our bodies make no mistakes, we always know what is best for us, and all of life’s answers lie within. I believe accessing and following our inner knowing is a true super power. I also believe that living in a human body is an enchanted gift that we are meant to enjoy, and it is my desire that all beings everywhere experience that magic.

I am committed to following the voice of Spirit and my own internal guidance system, living a pleasurable, exquisite, embodied life, and inspiring others to do the same. If you want something different for your life, feel ready to embody your greatness, and want to take up space in your own unique way, I would love to lead you in your own personal revolution.

Using principles of consciousness and embodiment, I will teach you to journey inward where you will find the wisdom to create the life you crave, in a way that is completely aligned with your own unique design, values, and desires. I marry my education, lived experience, and intuitive gifts to help you tap into your body’s wisdom, illuminating your blind spots, accessing your own individual genius, and finding the courage to bring to life all that you wish to be. Join me in my commitment to desire and start creating the life of your dreams.