Contradiction Queen

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Building Bridges

Lately I’ve been in observation mode. I always am to some extent, but the past few weeks have been a dance between my inner world and the outer realm. As I notice what is happening in the world I am then taken inward to reflect on what, at first glance, appears as chaos all around. However, as I practice noticing and frame it within the context of my understanding of masculine and feminine energies I can see that the chaos does have purpose and each individual can use it to assimilate a new understanding of how he/she will show up in the world. For me, that looks like this…

I awoke a few days ago to post after post concerning women’s rights and the great of losing our right to choose. In some of those posts I saw people asking questions like these:

“Where are the ‘my body, my choice’ people (especially men) that were speaking out against forced vaccinations? Why don’t we have forced vasectomies if we want to control pregnancy so much? Why are people so upset about making murder illegal?”

It was a lot to take in. So, I closed social media and sat with all my feelings, allowing my body to assimilate the chaos without any pushing or forcing on my part. I simply held space inside myself for everything I was thinking and feeling, all the conflicting thoughts and emotions, and trusted that my inner knowing would make sense of it all in time. And here is where I am now…

I see this chaos as a great invitation to bring seemingly opposing views closer to one another. I see the energies swirling in the ethos, ready to take shape in the form of unconditional love, trust, and acceptance. I see the beckoning toward building bridges through conversation and even sudden shifts in understanding that occur without the need for conversing. I see a greater tolerance for new perspectives ready to emerge.

For me, this began with the forced vaccinations. I am a true believer in “my body, my choice” and my trust in each individual's cosmic knowing of what is best for them is unwavering, even in the face of illness, death, and dis-ease of any sort. So, when I see one person saying they “know better” what is best for anotherl, especially when it comes to matters of body autonomy/sovereignty, it creates a state of dis-ease in me. Because it is one of my practices to go into my dis-ease, understand and make room for it, and heal anything that needs to be healed, I saw those women’s rights posts as a catalyst to do just that. Accepting that invitation took me into belief systems that were creating separation between myself and others and revealed similarities where I had seen none before. Through that work I realized that regardless of party affiliation, religion, etc the lines of separation become blurred when we look through the lens of similarity.

As it pertained to forced vaccinations, I suddenly found myself figuratively holding hands with right wing conservatives even though I viewed myself as about as liberal as one can get (so liberal that I believe each individual has the right to do anything they want with their own body). Yet, my “liberal” friends were no longer preaching this belief system and had suddenly decided that the government should indeed be able to tell us what to do with our bodies. Even more interesting, my “conservative” friends were now chanting “my body, my choice.” What a mind fuck!

So currently, as the subject of abortion is coming back into the limelight, with forced masking and vaccinations still in the frame, it is the perfect opportunity to once again adjust focus and see what we hadn’t before. Perhaps we all want the same thing, just in different ways. Body autonomy is a shared value. So then, why can we not all support one another in the sacred expression of sovereign being? This is the question I am now contemplating.

What causes some to draw the line in different circumstances? What underlying belief systems (and possibly fears) drive that behavior? Do we have the right to push those belief systems on another? In what ways could pushing our belief system on another feel the same for them as having theirs pushed on us? Are we accountable for what another does with their body, mind, and spirit? What would happen if each person had complete freedom to choose? What do we think would happen if each individual had unbridled power to do as they wished with their own body?

These are a few questions curiosity has sparked in me. I don’t need to know all the answers but an exploration of these questions, as well as a deep dive into the need to control (another, a situation, an event, etc) has the power to open doors that can unlock something in us that shifts perspective, builds bridges, and creates more freedom for all. I genuinely wonder what magic could happen if we spent as much time being introspective as we do shaming, blaming, judging, and wishing to control another. Just some food for thought.

I’d love to discuss what this post brought up for you. Reach out on social media or via email to connect! Big love. XOXO ~Amanda