Contradiction Queen

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My Quest for the Perfect Eggnog

Sipping eggnog as we decorate the tree is a holiday tradition I carried over from childhood. I have the fondest memories dancing around the tree, excitedly going through ornaments from years past, eggnog mustaches, and the taste of nutmeg on my tongue. That feeling is something I love to recreate year after year and especially wanted to gift to my baby boy. However, after going sugar-free and low dairy I had to get a bit creative in recreating that nostalgic feeling... No more dashing to the store for a carton of the pre-made stuff. So, I began tinkering with recipes and after years of perfecting I’ve finally come across one worth sharing. The egg whites produce a fluffy topping reminiscent of whipped cream and the end product is a creamy, yummy, decadent treat. Try making it this holiday season to add a little extra sparkle to your festivities.

As my regular readers know, I’m obsessed with choosing foods raised in alignment with nature. Hitting up your local farm is a great way to get the freshest goods and learn exactly how your food is raised. My favorite eggs in the Columbus area come from Copia. Check them out! For this recipe, use pasture raised eggs (not the same as free range or organic!) to lessen the impact on global warming and increase nutrients available to your body. More golden, almost orange, yolks mean mama bird was healthy and happy and that love she felt is passed on to you and Mother Earth! I also choose non-dairy options with less fillers and no Carageenan. Malk is a GREAT option, but quite expensive and has less body, so I have opted for Califia Farm products for this recipe. Finally, some sugar replacements can be harmful to your health, undigestible, or leave a funny aftertaste. For my eggnog I found Swerve to work the best. Monk Fruit would be another good option, if you prefer.

Eggnog with a Twist

Recipe Notes: I’ve listed the specific brands and products I use because these are the ones I’ve found work best for this recipe. However, feel free to experiment to suit your own taste! My recipe is derived from Alton Brown’s Eggnog for the Food Network. Finally, this made more than enough for the three of us. I actually used leftovers to make the most delicious gluten free french toast the next morning and still had plenty to spare. So, consider cutting in half to reduce waste!


4 Pasture Raised Egg Yolks (I used Copia)

1/3 cup plus 2-3 teaspoons Swerve

1 pint Califia Farm Oatmilk

1 cup Califia Farm Dairy Free Better Half Unsweetened Coconut Cream and Almond

4 Egg Whites

Cinnamon, to taste

Nutmeg, to taste

Optional: 1 shot rum or bourbon per glass (I love rum in mine, but you do you!)


Beat egg yolks with mixer until well blended. Gradually add 1/3 cup Swerve, mixing until dissolved. Add the oatmilk, cream, cinnamon and nutmeg, continuing to mix on low to medium.

Place egg whites in separate bowl and beat until soft peaks form. Gradually add in 2-3 teaspoons Swerve (I added a little at a time, tasting as I went until I reached desired sweetness). Continue beating until stiff peaks form.

Whisk egg whites into the egg yolk and milk mixture. Chill and serve, topping with more nutmeg for color.

*If using rum or bourbon, place one shot of preferred spirit in festive glass, top with eggnog, and sprinkle with nutmeg.

This also makes a delicious french toast soak and may even work for a twist on bread pudding. It was a big hit in our family. Hopefully you and yours will love it too! Make some soon and let me know what you think in the comments below.