Contradiction Queen

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A Diamond in the Rough

This morning’s grounding and sun-gazing session consisted of me trapsing around my back yard, barefoot, looking at dead leaves, covered by a blanket of grey from above. Living in Ohio can be rough this time of year. However, I have found that staying committed to my practices gets me through the darkness and often gives me a reason to get out of bed… fuck that… sometimes it’s the only reason I get out of bed. I was thinking about this today and it dawned on me that committing to daily practice is a great metaphor for life.

Things get hard, uneasy, uncomfortable. We go through periods of total despair. In those moments, are we committed? Because sometimes that’s all we have… our commitment. Our belief that things will turn around; that our spiritual practices do work.

The other thing I observed was that walking barefoot through my yard on a cold winter’s morning was still kind of fun, definitely serene, and absolutely grounding. It felt different than summer grounding sessions when the grass is soft and warm, the sun beaming down on my bare face and arms. The winter ground is hard and prickly, even crunchy at times. The sun is rare, hard to be found. My arms and legs are covered. Only my bare feet poke out from under pant-legs. My face only seen under a hat. My body wrapped up in a robe or coat. My neck not warmed by the golden rays of sunshine, but a scarf instead. Still, there is something magical about those moments. As different as they are, they are beautiful in their own regard. Breathtaking. Awe inspiring. And, when I look back on the dark winters of my life I have a sense that they too carry their own magical energy.

They had the ability to tear down all that wasn’t working, creating a blank space from which I could rebuild. The darkness created a void in me where finding the light became intentional; guided by a newfound purpose. The dark times were hard… soul crushing hard… yet my soul was not crushed by the pressure. If anything, the pressure refined me, in much the same way I imagine a lump of coal is pressured into becoming a diamond.

You see, if we dip out when pressure is applied we miss our opportunity to become a diamond. So, as uncomfortable as it can be, when we feel we may just break under the pressure, if we can commit to our practices and stay in the game, we will become a new, brighter, stronger, more clear version of ourselves. Our light will become more exquisite. Our self confidence will multiply. We will re-emerge with a fresh take on all that is ours, all that we are, and all that we wish to create.

So, my loves, if you find yourself in a place where you feel your soul is literally being crushed by the darkness, remember you are becoming a diamond. Take care of yourself, body, mind, and spirit. Eat the best, most nurturing foods available, journal, bathe, walk, run, cry. Practice the forms of self-care that feel best to you. Create your cocoon and nuzzle yourself up. Allow your feelings to come up and out (maybe read my post on rage if that’s a recurring theme for you) so that you can process through to the next thing. Over time you will come out of it and you will have the joy of reflecting back and seeing all the ways you were held. You may even be able to find some gratitude for the transformation it brought.

Big love and as always reach out if you need me. My health coaching program is just as much about spiritual growth as physical. Healing can come in various forms and I would love to support you on your journey toward more. Drop me a line in the comments below or on my latest social media post if vitality and joy is calling you.