Contradiction Queen

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I Like It Deep

Workouts, genetics, health conditions, daily stressors, even sitting too long can all cause aches and pains. I am no stranger to joint, muscle, and neuropathic pain myself. Sure, I don’t complain often and am not very vocal about the constant nagging pain in my neck and back. I don’t often let on to the intensity of the pins and needles that have me feeling like I want to crawl out of my own skin at times. I mostly grin and bare it. One, because I don’t want to go on opioids or muscle relaxers to get through my days. I know how medicines affect me and I’d prefer to be awake for life than loopy and asleep as the days pass away (this is in no way a judgment toward those that do opt for prescription pain med, they just don’t work for me). So, what do I do? How do I manage life with chronic pain and still keep a smile on my face?

My secret weapon - Deep Blue. I was first introduced to this magical concoction several years ago. Still laying on my yoga mat after shavasana, a friend of mine would sometimes rub it on my shoulders and neck. The tingle was bliss after a power class and the scent perfect post sweat (I’m actually obsessed with it any time). So, as you can imagine, it didn’t take long for me to decide I wanted some of my own.

While my relationship with Deep Blue began in yoga class it has since taken a permanent place in my every day life. Most days I rub it on at least once, more if I’ve eaten night shades, am hormonal (looser joints), or am particularly achy after a workout gone wrong. You EDSers know exactly what I’m talking about. This product is a miracle in a bottle. No, it doesn’t cure the pain and it’s not like I go from a ten to a zero, but it works well enough to relieve my pain without pain meds and keeps me going when I may just crawl in a ball and cry without it. It’s also the perfect addition to your post workout routine. Whether you’re into more intense workouts like HIIT or Crossfit or prefer walks in nature, Deep Blue will soothe sore muscles and make your cool-down more pleasurable. The oils are naturally cooling, which is a big post-workout plus.

While Deep Blue Rub is my product of choice the CPTG essential oil form works well too. You can easily create your own massage oil with it by adding a few drops to coconut or avocado oil or add to a clean unscented lotion. If you aren’t sure which non-toxic brand to choose you can always purchase dōTERRA’s Spa Hand and Body Lotion (all ingredients are super clean) or search the Skin Deep Database for healthy alternatives. For me, the Rub is easy breezy, which I like to choose more of because it simplifies my life. However, if mixing and matching brings you joy or if you’d like to apply just a drop or two to wrists or forearms after hours of typing, keeping a small bottle of the EO at your desk may be just what you need.

Introducing Deep Blue into your daily routine is a great way to practice mindfulness and self care. It’s easy to dismiss pain or to accept it as part of the process. No pain no gain, right? However, if we can notice our pain and use it to give attention to our bodies, then we can begin to heal, even if only in that moment. I know how difficult it can be to show up for life when we’re in pain, whether it be from a chronic or short term source. Mindfully meeting our pain with actions of self care can help us move more gracefully in our world and get shit done. Imagine your life through that lens. Acknowledge it is possible. Watching my diet, practicing intentional movement, epsom salt baths, essential oils, and self massage are all part of my wellness plan. The compounded effect yields big rewards and I’m inviting you to join me by adding Deep Blue Rub to your pain management routine as well. Relax your body. Relax your mind.

Self care can be that simple! Adding a minute or two to your daily routine to relax sore, tired muscles is all it takes. Don’t hesitate. Dive in and get started! If you’d like a FREE SAMPLE let me know, here. Otherwise…

A couple of side notes: NEVER use heat after applying Deep Blue (I also recommend not applying directly after a hot shower or bath). I learned this the hard way. There is a warning on the bottle but I missed it. Oops! Let’s just say that was not exactly a pleasant experience. Also, wash your hands after application. A little of this in the wrong spot will have you screaming, and not in a good way. So, while I love it when my man massages this from my neck to my feet it is necessary to wash hands after and maybe give it some time to absorb before getting carried away with sexy time.

Now that you’re in the know, go get carried away. Try Deep Blue today. Your body will thank you!