Contradiction Queen

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A Happy Body is a Healthy Body is a Sexy Body

Through the years people have inquired about how I eat, work out, etc to stay in such great shape. So, today I want to share my philosophy on body, diet, and exercise. Keep reading.. you may be surprised by what you hear.

Let me start by saying my body is less than perfect. Because of EDS I have stretchier than normal skin so fat cells (i.e. cellulite) and imperfections are often more noticeable on me than others. Those close to me know I’ve said I have “saggy knees” since I was in my early 30s because of the extra skin there and, because of my high salt diet, I often carry more water than I’d like for appearances sake. So, as a starting point I think it’s important to admit we all have things going on in this physical realm that we may or may not be ultra crazy about. That said, I am pretty happy with my physical appearance most of the time.. saggy skin and all.. and living a healthy life from the inside out helps keep my outlook bright. So, I’m going to share some of my tips for looking and feeling your best. Just know, you’ll only be truly successful if you focus on BOTH.

First and foremost I believe it is important to be happy! So, no matter what you do to stay fit, it should bring you joy. That’s why I encourage people to make choices that cause them to feel happy and healthy. Since our body attunes to our feelings we need to feel happy to be healthy, there is no way around it. Besides that, who wants to eat food or do exercises they loathe? Certainly not me. Life’s too short for that shit! So, be present and tune in to how you feel when you move, when you eat, when you work, and adjust accordingly.

Secondly, feeling strong is more important to me than looking thin (insert your surface level dream body desire here). Living with dysautonomia has taught me this one. I went through a phase where I obsessed over being a certain size or weight. I’d skip meals or drink a latte instead of having a nutritious lunch because I was scared of gaining weight. Those decisions often left me tired and weak. Fuck that. If eating more of the right kinds of foods gives me more energy or wards off pre-syncope, even if it means I weigh a few pounds more, pass the grass-fed beef please. I’m so serious about this that I even have a mantra for it, “I am healthy. I am strong.” Whatever I need to do to align my physical body with this spiritual desire, bring it.

While food and movement choices matter, I truly believe that these first two tenants are an important foundation for the rest. In this society it’s easy to get caught up in how we look and to neglect how we feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I know because I’ve fallen into that trap. However, my plan won’t work if you don’t address the whole of your self. Maybe you’ll be able to stick to a diet that makes you look good for a while, but it will be unsustainable if you aren’t feeding your soul. Sooner or later you’ll reach for those donuts again or one cocktail every few days will turn into one every day and that will turn into several a day. Before you know it your spiritual and/or emotional woes will be showing up in your physical body once again. That’s just how it works. Or maybe for you a healthy amount of daily movement will turn into obsessive workouts and before you know it you’ll be completely exhausted, unable to tend to the other responsibilities and joys in your life. Maybe you’ll have the body you want but nothing else will be in alignment and you will be just as unfulfilled as you were before you began. If that’s you, or if you find yourself in that place in the future, don’t beat yourself up. Come back home, be present, and let yourself try again, this time with more mindfulness than before. It may take several tries. Eventually you will hone your skill. You’ll find more mind-body-spirit awareness. You’ll soar.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get to one of my favorite subjects.. FOOD! I’ve written a few blog posts about my journey with food, what I eat, the importance of sourcing, and why. If you’re serious about feeling top notch, I suggest you read up! If you want to look and feel your best getting familiar with mindful food choices is a must. Here are a few posts to get you started: Nurturing Nourishment, Tips for Staying Sugar Free, How I Changed My Diet. Beyond that, I do have some basic guidelines I follow to look and feel my best. The most important priorities for me are:

  • very little processed food

  • only wild caught, pasture raised, grass fed, free range meat, poultry, fish, and collagen

  • organic fruits and veggies

  • partaking in nightshades VERY sparingly (some genetic makeups can handle more of these than others)

  • low dairy

  • low grain

  • gluten free

  • sugar free

  • lower carb

  • high fat

Let me be clear, while I am often in ketosis because of the way I eat I no longer count carbs and I’m not stringent on whether or not I can have a piece of fruit or more protein because of how it may impact my ketone level. I’ve learned that if I feel like my body needs something, I’m going to nurture myself, whether that brings me out of ketosis or not. I’ve done it all - Intermittent Fasting, Intermittent Fasting with Protein Cycling, Keto, Vegetarian, Vegan, Low Carb, High Carb, Paleo, etc - and I encourage you to experiment too so you can see what your body prefers. I’ve found that my limits are quite unique (maybe everybody’s are) and that eating clean, lower glycemic foods, moderate amounts of protein, and lots of healthy fats works best for me, along with Intermittent Fasting with Bulletproof Coffee a few days a week. However, if I go too long without food, even with Bulletproof Coffee, it will bring on an adrenaline surge, so I’m careful with that. While I do eat fruit I stick to lower sugar options most of the time like berries or a few green grapes and sometimes splurge on a portion of higher sugar fruit to sweeten up a smoothie or satisfy a craving. Some examples of what I can best tolerate in the higher sugar fruit department are 1/4 - 1/3 mango, 1/4 banana (greener is better), 1 date, 1/3 - 1/2 a peach or nectarine, a few cubes cantaloupe, or a slice of watermelon. Too much sugar, even from fruit, can make blood sugar soar and crash and can make my heart race or make me sleepy. So, if you choose to eat fruit be mindful of how you feel before and after and notice any follow-on cravings. Same goes for grains. For me, eating plenty of healthy, organic veggies (GMOs and pesticides will wreak havoc on your health and our planet - if you don’t have access to organics check out the EWG’s “Clean Fifteen and Dirty Dozen” to know which conventional fruits and veggies are safest), plenty of fat, and a few ounces of clean meat at each meal works great. I often have fruit with nuts in a smoothie or with coconut milk as my first meal and then stick to veggies, fats, and proteins for the rest of the day. Again, this is what works for me. You do you!

Some ways I switch things out and brands I enjoy:

  • coconut or almond milk (Califia Farms coconut milk is my absolute favorite)

  • non-dairy creamer (Nutpods is the bomb)

  • Siete grain free tortillas, taco shells, and tortilla chips

  • Mikey’s grain free English muffins and wraps

  • Base Culture grain free sandwich bread

  • Cappello’s grain free pasta is pure heaven

  • Unrefined coconut oil, ghee, and avocado oil for cooking (4th & Heart Ghee with Himalayan Salt - OMG)

  • Cold pressed, unrefined EVOO and/or Brain Octane Oil for topping salads and veggies (don’t heat!)

  • Bulletproof Collagen for smoothies and coffee (I notice the biggest difference with this brand)

  • Simple Mills grain free crackers and bread mix

  • Lily’s Stevia sweetened chocolate bars and chocolate covered almonds ( the covered almonds are SO GOOD in non-gmo popcorn for an occasional treat)

  • Mung Bean or Chickpea pasta (Whole Foods brand and Banza are my go-tos)

Next up, movement. This is a big one because so many people have difficulty exercising or just don’t know when to fit it in or what they like. Here’s the deal, if I don’t like it I won’t do it, so it’s crucial for me to find something I enjoy if I’m going to move. Otherwise I’ll make excuses and never get around to it. So, I like to set a time of day when I know I’ll work out and then tend to do whatever movement feels good to me that day - a brisk walk, a bike ride, yoga, pilates, you get the idea. If you like to run and want your workout to be a social event, join a local running club or meet up with a neighbor for a morning or evening session. If you like the time to clear your mind and biking is more your thing, go for a long ride and tune in to the rhythm within and around. So many people force themselves to go to a gym when that’s not their jam. Please don’t do that. Find something you enjoy and make that your workout ritual. I also advise finding a time of day that really works for you and stick with it. When I worked on base I’d do my workouts right after work, before picking Jagger up from pre-school or aftercare. Now, mornings fit my rhythm a bit better; a coffee workout stack is where it’s at! The point is, any type of movement is better than no movement and I believe if your body is happy with the movement you are doing it will respond much more positively than if you are dragging yourself through a workout.

If you really do have to participate in a workout that isn’t your favorite (as is the case with me and PT), accept your fate and make the most of it. I often piggyback the strengthening portion of my PT with the cardio portion, which I find much more enjoyable . If I take a break it’s likely I’ll never get around to strengthening, so I dive right in. Making it an automatic part of my morning routine increases the likelihood of getting it done. Also, once the endorphins are flowing I realize I don’t actually loathe strength training as much as I think. Another tip, listen to your favorite podcast to take care of your mind while taking care of your physical body. It really does make the time pass more quickly! Some of my favorites:

  • The Lifestylist

  • Bulletproof Radio

  • Goop

  • Naked

  • Mind Body Green

So that’s it! If you have questions reach out. If you need support, ask. You are loved and supported. Now go be awesome!

XOXO ~Amanda