Contradiction Queen

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Magical Mornings

I recently did an Instagram story on my morning routine and many of you wanted to hear more about it. So, today I’m sharing what I do, why I do it, and the payoff. While this morning routine works for me, we’ve all got to find our own strategies for living our most vibrant life. So, don’t be shy - share what works for you in the comments below or on my social media page! Now, read on to learn how I get grounded and energized every damn day because our vibe is elevated when we create magical mornings!

First, every morning begins with tongue scraping. Yep, you read that right. Once my feet hit the floor I I head straight for my bathroom to use the toilet, scrape my tongue, brush my teeth, comb my hair, splash cold water on my face, rinse out my eyes, and moisturize. While all of this is important, most of it is probably already a part of your morning routine and while some of you may already be participating in the tongue scraping ritual, I bet many of you are not. I learned about the importance of scraping my tongue when studying Ayurvedic practices. The idea really resonated with me and I’ve been using it ever since. The thought is that by scraping our tongues we are assisting our body’s natural detoxification process. Every night while we sleep, the body goes to work, cleaning the yuck up, preparing us for a vibrant morning and increased health. One place those toxins are excreted is on the tongue. Ayurveda calls that white or yellowish film that covers the tongue every morning ama, and it is believed that if we scrape the tongue before partaking in food or water assist the body in detoxification, bringing greater health to the system as a whole. If we do not scrape our tongue the toxins are re-introduced into our system as we swallow them with our morning lemon water, coffee, or food. The process is super simple and all you need is a tongue scraper to get started. I recommend the stainless steel variety as I’ve had mine for years and it’s still going strong. I rinse it with hot water after use and brush it off with my toothbrush every few days to keep germs at bay. Also, store it dry and in a clean location (mine has it’s own little cotton bag to call home. As a side note, you may have noticed I also rinse out my eyes. I do this to remove allergens in the morning and if my eyes are especially inflamed I opt for rose water rather than my usual cool water rinse.

Once I’ve taken care of my hygiene I head into meditation. Whether it’s a quick five minutes of silence or a forty five minute deep dive, I always take some time to set the stage for my day. For some, meditation may seem like a big waste of time or just one more thing to add to their daunting to-do list. For me, it is a must. I find that when I skip meditation my health suffers and so do the people around me. I’m simply not my best self and am more apt to lose track of what’s really important. Mediation is grounding for my sometimes flighty nervous system and brings clarity to life’s twists and turns. It’s also a time for me to tune in to spirit and get downloads for the day. Some examples of the guidance I receive during these sessions are supplement information, self care needs, how to best support those I love, and even intuitive guidance on things that are coming my way. For these reasons it is a DO NOT SKIP!

Third, I never miss my daily warm water with Pink Himalayan Salt and lemon (or lime on warmer days). This ritual restores hydration I’ve lost while sleeping and preps my stomach for the day ahead. Citrus gets digestion going after the restful period of night and is a nice wake-me-up alternative to caffeine.. a great addition to your morning routine! Citrus is also a cleansing agent, scrubbing any leftover gunk from our digestive tract and aiding the liver in detoxification. I usually combine this step with the next..

Grounding (also known as earthing) and sun gazing! When there’s no snow on the ground I like to walk around my yard barefoot while enjoying my morning lemon water and looking toward the sun. If there is snow I sometimes dash out for a quick round of earthing anyway, because the pull from Mother Nature is awesome like that. Since I’m often up before everyone else in my house this is my sacred time. I can commune with nature, boost my mitochondrial health, ground myself, and help my circadian rhythm all while doing something I enjoy. Grounding practices are especially important for those of us living during this technological time, running around in sneakers, and quite frankly not spending as much time outdoors as we once did. Walking barefoot on the earth allows us to exchange molecules with Mother Nature, releasing electrical charges that have built up in our system. This can assist in restoring equilibrium in the body, decreasing stress, pain, and anxiety, and increasing our ability to rest and digest. What better way to start your day? If you’re thinking this is all too woo-woo for you. It’s scientific. Research it yourself. As for sun gazing, taking in the natural light of the sun in the morning helps us become more alert and releases feel good chemicals in the brain. These neurotransmitters are later used to aid with melatonin production, meaning a better night’s sleep. Alert in the morning and restful at night. Win-win! Also, sun is a natural mitochondria boost so making it part of my morning routine is a necessity!

Next up, Bulletproof Coffee or Matcha. I started drinking Bulletproof Coffee when I discovered Dave Asprey while researching mitochondrial health a couple of years ago. This was just after learning that a higher saturated fat intake may be good for me and just before being told by my doctor that I should cut carbs and go higher fat if I wanted to feel less fatigued. While I started by tiptoeing in with my own version of something similar to Bulletproof Coffee (considering my gastroparesis diagnosis I wasn’t so sure about how my system would handle all that fat and wanted to experiment before investing in something I may not be able to tolerate), I can now say that I’m a full fledged believer in the real deal! The beans are both clean and tasty and the Brain Octane Oil gives me a boost I just don’t want to live without. As a matter of fact, I’m such a believer that I travel with the InstaMix and what I call a zippity zapper to blend it on the go, even if I’m only going away for a night. While I do still sometimes struggle with brain fog due to issues with blood distribution to my brain, this stuff makes a world of difference. I also add extra salt to get my daily intake up and Bulletproof Collagen on non- intermittent fasting (IF) days. Speaking of IF, if, like me, your body is sensitive to fasting and needs a bit of support, Bulletproof Coffee is the perfect way to stay in ketosis while getting some fat for fuel so you don’t go into adrenal madness. While fasting isn’t a regular practice of mine due to health reasons, I can get the benefits of IF with the support of Bulletproof Coffee and for that I am grateful.

Sixth on the list is physical therapy (i.e. MOVEMENT). If you aren’t in physical therapy this is a great time to get a little workout in. I take 35-40 minutes each morning to walk or bike within the parameters laid out by by physical therapist. On rough days I may not walk as far or I may need to participate in floor exercises inside, but I make sure to do something 5-6 days a week. Since I have a few chronic conditions it’s important that I push myself enough, but not too hard, otherwise I’ll end up in bed for a week. Physical movement in the morning promotes blood flow to the brain, causing me to feel more alert and ready to engage with whatever else is on my calendar. It also increases my circulation, so sticking to this part of my routine is especially important on those days when I feel like I can’t move my arms and legs. I usually notice that after I get some exercise in I feel more awake both mentally and physically.

Finally, food! I like to eat a nourishing breakfast/brunch after my workout. By this time I’m usually hungry and my body is ready for some support in the form of food. Since I’m generally low to no grain this meal often looks like a grain free english muffin with a poached egg and/or berries or some smoked salmon with avocado and berries. Upon occasion, especially during the summer months I’ll make myself a smoothie. This usually consists of some Bulletproof collagen (I see the biggest benefits with this brand), berries or açaí, unsweetened almond or coconut milk, a date, sea salt, and maybe some steamed greens. Tuning in to what my body needs is an important part of the refueling process. Therefore, I like to take a second to ask my body what really feels nourishing before deciding what to put on my plate. It makes all the difference!

Staying on this schedule has improved my quality of life and, on bad days, gives me a reason to get out of bed. While your morning routine may vary from mine I encourage you to play with some different varieties and see what feels best for you. And, I wouldn’t be the Contradiction Queen if I didn’t switch things up every now and then. So, while this is what my mornings look like most of the time, there are days when I switch it up. Maybe I decide to get my workout in a little later to preserve energy for a big morning or perhaps it feels better to get grounded on the earth before meditation (this is especially helpful when anxiety is on full tilt). The idea is to have a grounding routine every morning to introduce ourselves to the day. It’s calming to the nervous system and helps prepare the brain and body for what lies ahead.

Now that I’ve shared my routine I’d love to hear from you. What makes your mornings magical? Is there a special supplement or ritual with which you love to start your day? If so, please share!