Contradiction Queen

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My Top Three Choices When Pasta Cravings Come a Knocking

Who loves pasta?! This girl! While I’m all about that Bulletproof life I also don’t think life is worth living without a comforting pasta dinner every now and then. And, because I like to feel my best, I’ve experimented with numerous pasta alternatives to find the perfect brand for my every desire.. body, mind, and spirit. Today I’m sharing my favorites with you. Dig in!

First stop, Banza. This pasta is made from chickpeas and while it still contains carbs (sorry keto peeps) it doesn’t give me the same racing heart and sluggish feeling that traditional grain pasta (gluten free or not) gives me. I’m also wild about the texture. It cooks to a perfect al dente which is a nice change from some other gluten free versions that go from dry to mush in a matter of seconds. My favorite way to have this one is to mix in some cooked chicken and veggies along with a nice gouda (pepper gouda when I’m really feeling it) and spices. I also love the variety of shapes Banza offers to better accompany different sauces and pasta dish options. Fun!

Another favorite, Cappello’s. Brace yourselves, this one is a bit expensive! However it is grain free and the texture is to die for. I’m talking total heaven. Because this one comes frozen, in just 90 seconds you have a finished product reminiscent of homemade pasta without the gluten and grains. No joke. The light and velvety fettuccini noodles are my all time fave! We usually make this one with a big salad or cooked veggies so one box is sufficient for the three of us. That’s a good thing since it comes in at around $11 a box. However, when you consider what you’d pay for a pasta dish at a nice restaurant with responsibly sourced ingredients, under $4 a serving doesn’t sound like quite as much. Besides, I believe in treating ourselves every now and then and this is the perfect way to do just that. Homemade Fettuccini Alfredo with a glass of red anyone? It’s also great for carbonara! No racing heart or nap needed!

My final recommendation is Whole Foods Market Mung Bean Fusilli. If you’re familiar with Ayurveda you know that mung beans are fairly easy to digest and have loads of health benefits. So, when I saw that Whole Foods had a pasta made from 100% mung bean flour I had to give it a try. Thankfully, I was not disappointed. These noodles cook up quick and have great texture. I like to drizzle them with olive oil and fresh herbs or mix in some veggies and chicken. Healthy and delicious without the crash! Plus the price doesn’t break the bank. So, go on, give ‘em a whirl!

Now that you know how this Bulletproof girl splurges on pasta without the negative side effects, maybe you too can enjoy a few carbs to nourish your body, mind, and spirit. If you love pasta but hate the feeling you get after indulging try experimenting with these brands and see if it makes a difference. While I love some zoodles or spaghetti squash every now and then, nothing beats good ol’ pasta when the mood strikes. This is what it means to live vibrantly. Embrace the contradiction and indulge… mindfully!