Contradiction Queen

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Money Matters

Several years ago I wrote a Facebook post about money and it was so good that I sometimes still go back to it for a little reminder. As a matter of fact, I think it’s so good that I decided to share it with you here, along with a few updates. So, read on to get the four transformational ideas that forever shifted my relationship with money matters!

How many of you loathe bill paying or worry about money? Perhaps you feel guilty or fearful any time you spend. If you can relate, it may be time to shift your relationship with the dollar.

Years ago I found myself yearning for more concerning my relationship with money. It wasn’t that things in my life were horrible, I just didn’t like how I felt about filling up at the gas station and paying bills. I started desiring more from life in general and that included my finances. I found myself wanting a deeper relationship with myself, others, life, AND my belongings.

As I worked with my mentor I learned a few things that made a HUGE difference. These four ideas have become my financial truths and maybe they will ring true for you too.

  1. Money is energy, which means it is fluid and can be transformed.

  2. My spiritual bank account is just as important as my financial bank account.

  3. Money has a purpose and I’m the vessel.

  4. I want to use money to bring great loving, joyous energy into my life.

As the years have passed I’ve consistently gone back to these four ideas about money and have continued to expand on them. Over time my relationship with money, spending, and saving has completely transformed. I am happier, more abundant, and live more freely. Even when going through a really difficult time financially this past year I found myself calm and consistently able to stay present, in the flow of what I did have rather than thinking about what I didn’t.

Integrating these four concepts into my life is a regular practice. Sometimes I notice myself questioning if I’ve saved enough or if I’ve used too much of my savings going after a big dream. Then I remember the feeling of the dream.. The hope of simply believing something is possible and diving in. That is when I often see my adventures have been worth every dime I’ve invested - mentally, physically, and spiritually - because they have brought me to a more awakened place. Whether or not things have worked out as I had planned is irrelevant. It is what I have gained along the way that has mattered most. And, honestly, the ending usually doesn’t suck either. Other times I may notice that I’m feeling fearful about spending money on something fleeting (like a lavish dinner). Then I remind myself that I want to use money to bring loving, joyous energy into my life and dinner with friends and/or family may be a beautiful way to do that. It’s all about going inward and finding out what I really want and when I’m talking money matters, it’s always about greater financial ease. So I settle in and ask myself how to get there, allowing these four ideas to be my guide.

If you too want more freedom and joy when dealing with money I challenge you to sit with the four transformational ideas I shared above over the next few days and weeks. They truly shifted my relationship with money matters and I believe they can do the same for you. I also encourage you to take the time to allow your own beliefs and mantras concerning money to surface. Just see what feels true for you and own it!

For instance, if you’re fearful using your money you could affirm, “I am a vessel happy to channel abundance.” By doing this you are recognizing your fear AND taking action to transform it. Affirmations work because our brains actually believe what we say. Therefore, over time, our vibration is literally changed and we begin freeing ourselves from all those mindsets that are no longer serving us. Not sure? Give it a try and see for yourself. Best wishes now and always!

XOXO ~Amanda