Contradiction Queen

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Adjustments for Adrenal Support

Last week I had a full on faint and boy was it a doozy. I was unconscious for longer than usual and even after I regained consciousness I wasn’t sure how long it was going to last. I kept feeling as if I was going to go out again and a bag of IV fluids later I was still not quite myself. After sleeping the majority of what was left of the day away I was still in a complete fog. I was craving more carbs than usual, a sign that my body needed more energy and support. So, I tuned in and got clear on exactly what I needed to re-set. The wisdom that came during a meditation session was spot on and I’m sharing it all with you today!

I intuitively knew that I was having adrenal fatigue. I’d been through this several times before making me familiar with the flighty feeling and complete exhaustion that comes with a crash. I also knew that my adrenals likely needed me to calm the fuck down so they could begin doing their job again. For years I had been focused on increasing my energy and production through movement, light therapy, diet, stimulants, and more. Now my body was asking me to let go of all that (at least for the time being), rest, and restore. It was some scary shit. What if I went back to not being able to get out of bed? More faints? Sleeping 12+ hours a day? I was being challenged to trust in a new way, go deeper with myself. So, off I went, tiptoeing into the darkness, guided by the light of my internal wisdom.. healing.

As always, remember, the changes I have made and am now sharing with you came from the wisdom of my body. That is why they are working so well! If you are experiencing adrenal fatigue your body may ask for other variations to this list. I encourage you to tune in to your internal wisdom, consult your doctor, and do what you think is best for you. That said, read on for my list of adrenal health dos!

1. Add more carbs. Don’t go crazy, this should not be a junk food free for all. Too many carbs and those of the wrong kind will not have the positive effect you’re looking for. I have mainly opted for sweet potatoes, white rice, and a few oats. One of my favorite foods for this - grass-fed gluten free meat loaf. I usually eat mine with salad and another low carb veggie. Perfection.

2. Stop intermittent fasting. When experiencing adrenal issues it’s important to keep the body in a safe state. Intermittent fasting can induce the fight or flight response by sending us into a false sense of starvation. This is no good if you’re trying to heal your adrenals! So, I ate when I needed to, no matter how often and NEVER skipped breakfast. I was ravenous! As a matter of fact, for the first few days I usually ate every 2-3 hours. This was in part because of the adrenal fatigue and partly due to the impact the faint had on my vagus nerve and stomach function. Moral of the story, eat when you’re hungry and don’t over-do it. That can be taxing on the adrenals too.

3. Gentle movement twice a day, morning and afternoon. When dealing with the adrenals we want to move and at the same time it’s critical not to exhaust ourselves. So, I’ve generally been doing a few laying or seated pilates exercises in the morning and then taking a short afternoon walk. These little bits of movement keep my body from de-conditioning (very important for dysautonomia) and have been subtle enough to keep my adrenals in a healthy state.

4. Rest. We all have a lot to do, but it’s crucial to prioritize rest when working toward adrenal health. Sometimes I’ve needed to nap throughout the day. Other times it has felt more nourishing to lay in legs up the wall or butterfly pose. Give yourself permission to take the kind of rest you are drawn to as often as needed. This is also a great time to meditate.

5. Ashwagandha. I have used this adaptogen on and off for several years and it is on my go-to list any time I have adrenal imbalance. Ashwagandha is calming to the nervous system and helps the body adapt (as the name adaptogen suggests) to changes in and around us. It’s the perfect support when re-setting the adrenals. I generally use the powder or liquid tincture form. I simply add it to my coffee or tea, morning and evening. Side note, I don’t use as much as suggested, especially when using the more potent tinctures. So, experiment and be open to the amount that works for you.

6. Prescription Steroids. While I like to do things the natural way I have found that when I feel my body going into a flare or am experiencing adrenal fatigue a steroid can be extremely helpful. When I’m doing everything “right” and still feel like I can’t make enough energy, I can barely get myself going, and I can’t clear the brain fog no matter how hard I try it’s time to talk to my doctor about a prescription. When this happens, I feel complete gratitude for the scientific advancements we have available to us, including pharmaceuticals. My philosophy - it’s better to use a prescription and have my health than to resist it and allow myself to spiral further downward. My doctor usually prescribes a low dose for a few days and it’s just the right amount of support to get me going again.

7. Cut the caffeine. I know, this isn’t the most popular of my tips. However, it is necessary. To support adrenal health we have to keep our bodies in a steady state. Caffeine sends us soaring. Then crashing. So, whether you’re like me and barely use caffeine to begin with or are a multiple doses a day kind of person, you’re going to have to give it up if you want to get healthy. Don’t worry, it’s only temporary! If you can normally tolerate caffeine, chances are you will be able to go back to it once your body has settled into a healthy rhythm. Who knows though, you may not want to!

8. Eat nourishing foods. Our bodies need extra support through nutrients when coming out of adrenal fatigue. B vitamins and healthy fats are especially important. My list of what I call “spirit foods” (that is what I’ve been guided to eat during this time) mainly consisted of grass-fed beef, kale, wild caught salmon, pastured chicken and eggs, beets, leafy greens, veggies, sweet potatoes, nuts, dates, rice, and a few beans. These foods gave my body all the building blocks to nurture me back to health.

9. Opt for baths over showers. Bathing is very soothing to the nervous system and can become a nurturing ritual if we allow. While I love to bathe anyway, during this time I choose it over a shower to remind myself to slow down and practice self-care. I use bath salts and essential oils to calm my body and balance my autonomic nervous system. I play soft music to sooth anxiety. Simply relax. This ritual also keeps the body from having to fight to keep blood pressure up if you have been diagnosed with dysautonomia (just don’t make the water too hot).

10. Make nurturing choices. Perhaps above all else, when addressing adrenal health we must make nurturing choices. This pertains to everything.. work, friendships, lovers, food, and entertainment. Do what feels good to you, body and soul. This is your wake up call. Use it accordingly and you will learn and enriching life lesson.

Lastly, I want to share with you one of the most powerful thoughts that came to me during this difficult time. Maybe, if you are struggling or afraid, it will calm you as it did me. Sitting in stillness, during a time when I was feeling especially fearful, divinity reminded me to have peace of mind and know my body is a self healing machine. This, my loves, is the magic of life.

With that, have a fabulous healing journey. I look forward to hearing your experiences and tips. Big love and abundant health!

~XOXO Amanda