Contradiction Queen

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Where to Start When You Just Don't Know

I have come through a lot in life. From healing childhood trauma and my broken marriage to creating health after being diagnosed with a chronic condition. I’ve beaten the odds time and time again. After talking with clients, followers and friends and reflecting back on my own experience, I’m reminded that getting started is sometimes the most difficult part of the journey. So, I’m dedicating this post to helping you navigate the overwhelm getting started.

Through the years I have regularly encountered people in awe of my life. How do you do it?” they’d ask. To be honest, in the beginning I wasn’t sure how to respond. For me, manifesting was always pretty simple; a way of life. Then, as I began addressing more “difficult” tasks I realized different things were coming to me in different ways and required varying amounts of effort. For instance, while a job would land in my lap, with seemingly no effort, I’d be unable to bring wholeness to my marriage. While I drew in every sort of experience I ever imagined while single, I was struggling with my health and visualizing myself healthy wasn’t changing the fact that I couldn’t get out of bed. Reflecting on these experiences planted the seed for this post.

First off, let me be clear, if you have found yourself depressed, sick, hopeless, lonely, or in any myriad of less than ideal situations, there is NOTHING wrong with you. This, my friend, is the experience of life. These are our wake-up calls, beckoning us toward the intrigue of more. The fact that this intrigue even exists is proof that there is more and that we can have it. So, take some time to sit with your curiosity. Get to know your yearning. Listen to the whispers of your soul. Be intrigued. Awaken. Once you are awake, you are ready.

Now that you have an inkling of what your really want, you are ready to manifest your desire. Let’s stop right there for a second. Manifest. What does that even mean? If this woo woo word triggers you, feel free to substitute it with something else. Just be sure that the intention of creation energy remains in tact, because that is really all manifestation is - creation - and we all have that energy within.

Now, back to manifesting. I’ve learned that sometimes poof! My desire appears. Other times it is my consistent conscious awareness, even action, that brings my desire into the tangible realm. The second form of manifestation is what I want to talk about today.

Our ability to create the life of our dreams is beyond our comprehension. We are much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for. The universe is conspiring for us, lining everything up just so, in order for us to create the life we imagine. I know this because I have experienced it time and time again. Every magical moment in my life has been orchestrated with little to no effort and I’m willing to bet that if you think back on your life you’ll see the same to be true for you. When did you have just the perfect thing happen that teed up a cascade of events for your undoing and rebuilding? Perhaps you are in the midst of the cascade, even now. I know I most certainly am.

When I think back on the major events of my life, the ones that required more of my attention to turn around, there is a common theme - work. I know this isn’t the most popular word to use in the consciousness realm. We like to think that we don’t have to work for anything and that our minds and bodies will somehow magically manifest anything we desire. Well, I’m here to tell you that isn’t always the case. Sometimes, we have to put in some elbow grease if we want to create the life we imagine. While it may not be physical work, it still requires commitment and discipline. How bad do you want it? If you’re serious, you’ll give it the attention it requires.

This means you MUST get your shit straight. Start from the ground up. If low energy is keeping you from making healthy food choices, commit to a brisk morning walk in the sun (no sunglasses allowed). If brain fog is keeping you from giving clarity to your vision, cut the shit that slows brain function (uh hm.. sugar and fried foods) and add supplements that boost mental clarity. If refusing to look at your cycle of behavior is keeping you from the relationship you desire, start a noticing practice and work with a life coach (whether me or someone else, find one you trust) to unravel and reprogram the shit that’s holding you back. Get out of your own way, whatever that looks like! There are many different strategies because we all have different needs to address. I began with supplements, then tweaked my diet a bit, then added more supplements and new types of movement, then tweaked my diet a bit more. The bottom line is start somewhere. If you’re not sure where that would be here are two suggestions for deciding: 1) Get still, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and allow the wisdom to emerge from within. 2) Write down the things you struggle with the most and ask yourself what would help you get over the hurdle. For me the answer is often something that may be triggering and is always doable.  When it concerns my health the solution most always comes down to biology and energy production.  If I can increase energy production, I can do anything.  When it concerns my relationships it’s usually a fear rooted in a past experience, entangled in my current one.  Whatever comes up, I know it’s time to face it and that most always includes gaining information or feedback from somebody smarter or more experienced than me.  That said, I recommend you too find a resource to help you on your journey and keep an open mind on how this resource can show up! You may run across a helpful book, be introduced to someone knowledgable on the subject matter, or even find information that resonates on google.

I remember when I was struggling with my marriage, wanting someone to help me navigate.  I was having a conversation with a girlfriend when she casually mentioned her mentor in a neighboring village.  Immediately something went off in me and I knew this was someone I should make an appointment with.  So, I got her number and almost 11 years later, she’s still by my side as I navigate life.  Another example is when I was re-addressing my health and felt drawn toward mitochondrial health.  One google search led me to Dave Asprey of Bulletproof and I immediately began gaining knowledge, implementing change, and seeing results.  These re not isolated events.  I have so many stories of how support came to me the moment I got clear about my intention.  That is how much the universe wants us to succeed.  We just have to take the first step and the rest begins to unfold.  Then, we can take the next step and the next, until we are whole.

So, what is your first step? Will you get still enough to hear what’s holding you back? Will you take action when the wisdom comes? This is your opportunity.  Today.  Get still.  Write.  Sing.  Dance.  Bathe.  Do whatever it takes to tune in to your wisdom and then, once you know, make a move.  The universe is waiting.