Contradiction Queen

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Nurturing Nourishment

Lately it seems the push for a plant based diet is on the rise. Perhaps it’s because we’re at the beginning of a new year which often carries the promises of a healthier life in the months ahead. Maybe it’s because we’re finally waking up to the economic load of factory farmed meat. It could be that celebrities are adding to the discussion, making plant based diets all the rage. Whatever the cause, all the talk has stirred me up and I’m weighing in.

For me, the plant based debate is only a portion of the complex discussion we should be having around our health and our food supply. While intentions may be “good,” I believe pushing a plant based lifestyle as the fix to all our ales (yes I am going a bit overboard) is dumbing the vastness of this extremely complex conversation down and the only way to truly serve ourselves and our planet is to have the entire conversation. While eating a diet high in consciously farmed or wild plants would no doubt increase our collective health, I whole heartedly believe that eating only plants is not necessary or even healthy for the vast majority, including the plants, animals, and planet we are so hopeful to see prosper. And listen, I’m a bleeding heart, wish-to-be vegan if there ever was one, but life experience has shown me that may not bring the most fulfillment to myself, others, or Mother Earth.

Instead of focusing on one possible solution (the vegan diet), we could be discussing how factory farmed meat is increasing the carbon load on our planet, not the local small farms committed to responsibly raising healthy animals for our nourishment. We could have a conversation about the microbiome, how different types of gut bacteria impact how we process the meat we eat, and how our specific bacteria impact whether or not we make toxins from that meat. We could be discussing the numerous reasons factory farmed meat and many processed plant based products are bad for us and our planet. We could bring to light that even local farmers who don’t practice sustainable farming are doing us and our planet a disservice. We could raise awareness about GMOs and the health and environmental impacts of non-organic fruits and vegetables. We could talk about the impact of grains on the human body and how our evolution does not support our consumption of them - especially not in the quantities we see today. We could add to the conversation of the impact of sugar in the American diet - how it has contributed to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, behavioral issues, anxiety, depression, and more. We could discuss the impacts of dairy and the high carb hamster wheel so many are on. And, let’s not forget the impact of all those antibiotics being given to livestock and passed to those who eat that type of product. We could be talking about SO many relevant issues that contribute to human health and the life of our planet, yet mainstream culture insists on diverting our focus to other, smaller, simpler issues. Perhaps this is because the problem is so vast that the big picture is too overwhelming to even take in. Maybe it’s because we like quick fixes. It could even be that big pharma, industrial farms, and the government have intentionally added to the chaos to increase their personal gain. The possibilities are endless. All I know for sure is this problem must be addressed by a broad, flexible solution. One that will serve the highest good for every genome, body type, biology, all the way down to microorganism.

The way I see it, a lasting solution has to honor sensuality and passion, lifetimes of reverence and tradition, and the sacred communion between living things. The give and take. The serving of one another.. humans, animals, plants, water, earth, microorganisms, bacteria, air.. all of everything. This is what we are here to do. Love and experience one another, on every level.. mind, body, spirit. Our souls long to connect and food has always been an avenue of connection. Think of our ancestors. How did they nourish and nurture themselves and the other. What was their commitment to self, family, divinity, animal, and earth? Are we honoring those same commitments? Are we evolving in a way that preserves the beauty in life? These are the big questions. These are the discussions that can awaken our spirit. This is where I want to live. I want to hear and discuss what I can do. I want to talk about the decisions and outcomes that feel good. I want to research, experiment, and learn for myself which foods serve me and the planet and which do not. I want to bring a new level of discussion to this conversation and I invite you to join me. How?

If you have something to add to this conversation comment below or reach out to me on one of my social media platforms. I’d love to hear your thoughts and the perspective you are bringing to the conversation of food and health.

As always, thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon!