Contradiction Queen

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The Secret Message My Body Gave Me

Ever feel like your caffeine is just not doing the trick any more? Or maybe that afternoon walk is only making you more tired when it usually gives you a boost? Well, this morning I was pondering these exact questions.  My body had already explicitly told me to "rest" during my morning meditation (I guess that was the cause of my racing heart and fatigued body), but what happened next completely caught me by surprise.  Suddenly I was seeing spots and had dark halos in my vision.  Uh oh.  I knew exactly what this meant.. low blood pressure.  I hadn't really experienced this in over a year so I was noticing my curiosity around why it was happening.. especially today, when I had to get Jagger to the dentist before school and had a mile long to-do list.  Evidently my body needed to give me a serious wake-up call!

I did all my tricks - legs up the wall, downing a tall glass of water, eating some salt, and pulling out the good ol' calf compression sleeves.  Thankfully I was no longer seeing spots, but I could definitely tell something was off.  I was grateful that my body was cooperating with me enough to get Jagger taken care of, still I knew something was up and wanted to allow some space for my body to communicate with me.  Since an impromptu rest day was on the agenda I guess there would be plenty of time to tune in and get the goods.

After getting Jagger taken care of I headed home and as per my usual routine I began pondering all the thoughts swirling in my mind during my drive.  One really caught my attention though... why was I so tired lately, even after my morning coffee? Sure fatigue can come and go for me, but I was noticing a lot more coming and not so much going in the last week or two.  I had even upped my morning caffeine intake from 1/3 caff to 1/2 and sometimes 2/3 caffeine.  Still, I was dragging.  Almost immediately I got it.  The caffeine wasn't "working" because my body wasn't allowing me to use outside stimulation to supercharge myself when what I really needed was rest.  As someone who has experienced adrenal fatigue, I was very happy to get this news.  I intuitively knew my body was protecting me from myself.  Sure, for a day or so I can get away with using caffeine as a boost, especially when there's something pressing at hand.  However, when my body truly needs rest to reset and recharge, there's no amount of caffeine, sun, or movement that's going to wake me up.  And, if I continue to ignore it, I will end up crashing for the long term.  That's why this message was so important.  In these instances, it's not that the caffeine, sun, or exercise isn't doing its job.  Instead, I'm not giving my body what it needs to make energy.  Rest.

It sounds simple, right? So then, why is it that so many of us are dealing with this exact issue? We're looking for energy in all the wrong places and then seem surprised when it doesn't work.  It's like thinking if you gas up your car it will run, when the transmission is broken.  Until you tend to the transmission the gas won't do a damn thing.  It may turn on, but it won't go far.  You may be able to push it a bit at first, but it will eventually stop, perhaps it will even crash.  

For me, trying to have it all and all at once exacerbated the problem.  Getting Jagger to and from his activities, time with Kevin, fun with friends, hobbies, self-care, work.. it all adds up.  Sure, all these things are important, necessary even.  However, they require a delicate balance of time and energy.  There are only so many hours in a day and rest has to be prioritized if we want to stay healthy and alert.  Add a chronic condition to the mix and added activities may require even more rest than usual.  What happened with me is simple.  In general, I religiously take one rest day per week no matter how I'm feeling.  History has shown me, if I don't, I end up crashing.  That said, for the last couple weeks I haven't taken a proper rest day.  Appointments, responsibilities, fun, and a new thyroid medicine (which gave me lots more energy) threw me off my game.  Thankfully, my body got me back on track rather quickly and I had the intuitive wisdom to listen.  

So, if you've found yourself in an energy funk and none of your usual tricks are working (all the brain octane oil on planet earth couldn't have pulled me out of my funk), try tuning in to see what your body really needs.  Take a second to close your eyes, get quiet, and as the calm comes over allow your intuition to be your guide.  Your internal knowing will speak in the quiet.  You will know.  Simply trust.  If rest is what you need (my guess is, most of us could use more of that), give yourself permission to sleep for as long as you need.  Take a day off work to do nothing other than sleep (yes, you read that right).  Leave your child in aftercare for a day or ask a friend or family member to pick her/him up.  Let the dishes go (I personally have a problem with this so I put everything in the dishwasher where I can't see the mess and pull them back out when I'm ready to do the hand washing).  Order yummy takeout or make easy breezy, nourishing foods that will support your recharge day from the inside out.  Finally, keep electronics at bay! It's easy to get sucked into binge watching favorite shows or scrolling through social media instead of sleeping.  And if books are your vice, put those away too.  If your body needs sleep you don't want any distractions, which is why taking a day off work, when nobody else will be home often works wonders. 

These tips are just the beginning.  As you practice resting and getting in tune with your natural rhythms you'll know exactly what your body is asking of you.  Play with it and be gentle with yourself when you get it "wrong."  That information is valuable in your quest for optimum energy and health! Until next time, rest up and enjoy life. XOXO