Contradiction Queen

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Scratch That

Around here, Fridays are for fun.  And if it just happens to be a warm and sunny Friday, you're in for a real treat! Fridays have long been my favorite day of the week.  I think it began as a child, when my dad coached football and every Friday was game-day.  Excitement was in the air from the minute we hopped out of bed.  Sure, we had to go to school, but that was just a means to get to recess (and if we were lucky, an extra recess) and then home for pre-game prep.  I'd often wear my special jersey to match the guys on the field and we'd always get treats at the concession stand! Then, after the game we'd stay up late, order pizza, and play or watch movies.  Those memories made such a lasting impression that I was sure to take that Friday feeling into adulthood and start creating traditions of my own.  Since I'm a bit flighty (let's blame my dosha for that) I don't always stick to the same routine, but you can be sure if it's Friday, fun will be in the mix.  And, while my Fridays don't always include pizza, this one did and it was out of this world.

We started the fun with some of Jagger's friends for after-school park play.  It was an unusually warm early spring day and I wasn't going to miss out on the sun by staying in all afternoon (you do know how I love my sunshine!).  As the late afternoon turned into early evening we were all hungry and ready to leave the park, but I was in no mood to cook.  All the sun and chitter chatter with the other mamas had put me in a laid back, carefree frame of mind and my brain was turning, thinking of ways to incorporate more fun into our evening.  We considered grabbing a pizza on the way home and having it on our patio.  I mean, that is always a fun option.  However, as I considered this I realized I wanted more.  Yes, I wanted to feel laid back like I would at home and I wanted to surround myself with more energy than I'd find just the three of us relaxing on our patio.  So, scratch that option.  Hmmmmm... where could we go to sit on a laid back patio and take in lots of energy from others?  I started sifting through the restaurants in my mind and one immediately stood out.  Old Scratch.  

The vibrancy of the city has always intrigued me and I most always feel re-charged when I go downtown.  There's just something about that vibe that makes me feel alive and puts a big ol' smile on my face.  Maybe it's that I'm an empath.  Maybe it's that the city is just way rad.  Whatever the reason, I love it! See, having dysautonomia means I often feel tired or ran down (even when I want to be out and about) and being around others means I can feel their energy and allow it to charge me.  So, my environment is extremely important and luckily the guys in my life get it.  With my mind made up and them on board, off to downtown we went!

If you live in Dayton (or are just familiar with the city) you probably know there are quite a few local pizza places worthy of praise.  However, Old Scratch is a fairly new one and you're going to want to add it to your mix if you haven't already.  In their words they serve "traditional neapolitan-style pizza with a modern twist" right here in Dayton, Ohio and boy do they deliver.  The menu has traditional and more daring options to appeal to your mood of the day and they even serve gluten free crust, beer, and wine.  Now, today I was in no mood to go gluten free.  The sun was shining, my body felt great, and I was going to take advantage.  Bring on the gluten! While I was at it, bring on the meat.  This girl was craving some serious pepperoni.

When we got to the restaurant the place was booming.  Yes! Just what I wanted.  Since they were so busy one of the employees was finding seats for customers and was beyond helpful when we told him we wanted to sit outside.  The patio was full and since he was seating people he kept an eye out for when a spot cleared.  This meant we didn't have to hover over people trying to enjoy their meal.. which I loved.  It made our wait more enjoyable and I'm sure the other patrons were happy to enjoy dinner sans stalkers.  While we waited I hung out with Jagger on a nearby bench and Kevin went to the bar to order our drinks.  In a few minutes we were all happily sipping away and making small talk about the week behind and weekend ahead.  We were pretty hungry, so thankfully we didn't have to wait too long for a table and, as promised, we were notified as soon as it was ready.  Score! We had already reviewed the menu and knew exactly what we were going to order - a Dayton, a Mr. Scratch and, since I'm obsessed with garlic, we just had to get a side of garlic butter and why not throw in a side of red sauce too?! It didn't take long for Kevin to hop in the food line, place our order, and return to enjoy some more beer and laughs in the sun.  

Because they were so busy it took a bit to get our food, but honestly that didn't bother me at all (and it really wasn't that long considering the crowd).  I'd rather have fresh, hot food and good service than go to a place that is rushed and sub-par. Plus, I was with the people I love most in this world, so what's the rush? Once the pizza was delivered it took all of two seconds for us to dig in.  I did manage to hold everyone off for a pic or two because, hello, I'm a blogger now! As soon as I had a good shot or two though, all bets were off.  In no time we were biting into that smoking hot goodness and our party was kicked up a notch.  I personally could not believe how delicious the pepperoni was.  It was thin and crispy on the edges, just the way I like it.  Yumm-o! Of course I knocked over the garlic butter and had to get another (it's usually me, not Jagger, making the mess), but if that was the only mishap it was a good dinner.  The boys were enjoying there's too.  Heck, who wouldn't?! The dough was light and airy with beautifully blackened crispy spots from the wood fire oven and the toppings were delicately placed so each bite was unique.  The fats and salt combined on our tongues to create pure deliciousness.  This was just what we were hoping for.  I was energized and there were smiles all around.  Old Scratch had delivered! Before long our tummies were full and we were headed home to veg on the couch and wind this Friday funfest down a bit.  Thankfully this Friday in the sun will forever be in our memories and for that I am grateful.

Whether you're a Dayton native or are just visiting for a day or two I highly recommend you try this local gem.  It's the perfect place to hang out, have a beer, and enjoy some local pizza without any fuss.  The community feel and delicious grub will most definitely hit the spot and leave you wanting more.  It's a big hit for us!