Contradiction Queen

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Who Said Salad Can't Be a Fiesta?!

Ok guys, I have to admit, salad doesn't always sound like the most exciting meal.  Still, I sometimes crave veggies like something fierce and, if put together correctly, a good salad really can create a party in your mouth.  Don't believe me? Keep reading.  

Growing up we didn't eat salad a lot and when we did it was either way boring (iceburg lettuce, tomato, carrots, and store bought dressing) or, if we got really crazy, it was topped with Mrs. Dash.  Needless to say, it took me a while to get on the salad train.  I was constantly experimenting with new ways to make my salads better, but nothing quite did the trick.  I was always left bored and longing for more.  Thankfully I didn't give up because eventually I found something that actually made me crave fresh veggies of the salad variety.  I'm pretty sure my tastebuds have a dance party right in my mouth every time I have this.  Enter fresh herbs.  

A few years ago I began growing herbs in planters on my deck.  Up until then I had only grown flowers, but my fascination with food and the extra time on my hands caused me to re-think what I was putting in those containers out back.  I'm pretty sure my love for cocktails may have also had something to do with this decision, but we can pretend it was the food.  Ok, maybe booze were the catalyst.  Don't judge me! The thought of a fresh mint mojito on a hot summer day did me in.  Decision made, I was planting an herb garden ASAP.  I chose to purchase my plants at a local farmers market because, hello, local means fresh AND I could talk to the farmers about their growing practices and what I should do to keep these babies alive and well.  Armed with their expertise and more herbs than I needed, I was off to plant! Yay! Before long my herbs started multiplying and I could barely believe my eyes.  This was awesome! Within just a few days I had all the fresh, organic herbs I could ever need right at my fingertips.  Now, what to do with all the selection?! There was clearly more there than this girl could drink, so I guess I'd have to use them in actual food (hopefully something that would go well with those mojitos I'd been dreaming about).   

Since I hate waste and love experimenting, I began using these green babies in literally everything I made.  If I was cooking, I was using a fresh herb.  Wow! I couldn't believe I'd missed out on the taste of fresh cut herbs my entire life.  How does that even happen?! Well, with my newfound love came thoughts of grandeur about how all things would magically transform with one simple green sprinkle.  Then, right there, in the midst of my daydream, it came to me.  I must try some of this magic in a salad very, very soon.  I don't remember if it was that night or a night soon to come, but it did happen, and when it did, my relationship with salad was forever transformed.  Let me tell you, I couldn't have been more excited.  Who knew that tossing in a few herbs could change so much? I haven't thought of salad the same way since.  A few herbs and every flavor is brought up a notch.  It's honestly a necessity, even in the dead of winter.  After you have salad like this, you'll never go back.  It's like sprinkling unicorn dust on some raw veggies.  You are in for a treat!

For this recipe I only used mint.  Since I was creating big flavor with the other ingredients I wanted to keep the herb choice simple (I'm known to mix several at a time).  If you're not crazy about mint, no worries.  Substitute cilantro or parsley, even lemon balm.  Most anything will work just fine.  This is your salad, your choice! 

Now my second secret to a good salad is mixing cooked and raw veggies.  Just be sure not to overcook.  Trust me, nobody wants soggy veggies in the mix.  Varying textures is great, but that's one you can leave off the plate, at least for now.  I usually roast my vegetables for salads because they keep a bit of crunch and the flavor is out of this world.  Plus roasting is simple.. and I like simple.  I can throw a pan of trimmed/sliced veggies in the oven while I'm preparing the rest of the dish and they come out perfect with little oversight on my part.  Between being a spoonie and a busy mom, every choice counts.  So, I make meal time as easy on myself as I can, for the most part.  To keep the fiesta going I used peppers for this recipe.  They pair really well with the quinoa (another powerful ingredient that adds texture and protein) and give a bit of sweet spice to the dish without being too overpowering.  The perfect combo for any good party! 

Finally, I have to tell you about this dressing.  I created it just for this salad and it's out of this world.  While I've made similar dressings, I've never measured or kept track of the ingredients.  So, I did this just for you! A key component to any enjoyable salad is the dressing.  Since this is my first documented salad dressing, I had to create something homemade that would knock your socks off.  Why homemade? Because I can easily create different flavors and control the amount of added sugar.  It's also nice to create salad dressings from scratch because if you use fresh, simple, organic ingredients you know they are free from preservatives and other additives that can wreak havoc on your body.  Keep it clean people! If this seems like too much work for you, make extra and store in the fridge for a few days.  That way it's ready when you need it and you can make it less often.  For this salad I made a decadent tahini dressing.  It's rich and creamy without the dairy and has a touch of sweetness that complements the other flavors perfectly.  While I used honey in this recipe, strict vegans can easily substitute agave or maple syrup and it's just as yummy.  

Ok, that's enough chitter chatter.  I'll let you get to cooking.  For the optimal eating experience chop all veggies in about 1/2 inch pieces.  This way, you can get more flavors at once and lots of crunch.  Perfect! I hope you like this recipe as much as our family did.  Enjoy and let me know what you think!


Serves 3-4

Fiesta Salad

*Chop all veggies in approximately 1/2 inch pieces

1/2 Medium Bunch Organic Red Leaf Lettuce, chopped

1/2 Medium Bunch Organic Lacinto Kale, chopped

Large Handful Organic Snap Peas, chopped

1-2 Organic Carrots, chopped

Handful of Organic Mint, chopped

1 Organic Avocado, chopped

3/4 - 1 Cup Frozen Organic Corn

3-4 Small Organic Red, Yellow, and/or Orange Peppers

1/2 Cup Uncooked Organic Quinoa

Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Creamy Tahini Salad Dressing

2 Tbsp Organic Tahini

2 Tbsp Organic Sesame Oil

2 tsp Filtered Water

Juice of One Organic Lemon

1/2 - 1 Tbsp Honey (depending on desired sweetness), can substitute agave or maple syrup




Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Place whole peppers and frozen corn on baking sheet.  Lightly drizzle with olive oil.  Place in heated oven for 10 minutes.  Remove from oven and stir/toss.  Place in oven for 5-10 more minutes or until they begin to char.  Remove from oven when done and allow to cool.  Cut peppers into 1/2 inch pieces.

Meanwhile cook quinoa according to package instructions.  Once done, remove from heat, and allow to cool for a few minutes.

Chop all other veggies, including mint, into about 1/2 inch pieces and place in large salad bowl.  Set aside.  Once mostly cool, add chopped peppers, corn, and quinoa to the bowl.  Toss all ingredients to evenly distribute.


Place all ingredients in a small mason jar.  Place lid on tightly.  Shake until ingredients are well mixed.

Drizzle dressing over salad.  Give the salad a good toss/stir to incorporate dressing throughout.  Serve and enjoy!