Contradiction Queen

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Indy on Ice

My Spring Break dream consists of sun, sand, and something cold in my hand.  My son, however, just loves the cold.  I don't understand it! We've endured that all winter.  Isn't it time for some fun in the sun?! Oh well! I guess since he's the one in school all year, and we technically only take this break because of him, he should get a say in what we do.  Plus, we were on a budget this year, so my dreams of a caribbean getaway were probably not going to happen anyway.  So, for yet another year, I sucked up my need for warmth and indulged in a different version of excitement.  Lucky for me, my son, Jagger, has a great sense of adventure, so even if I'm cold I'm sure to have fun.  His ideas always interest me and push me to get to know cities I may not normally visit.  Exploring is a passion of mine, so I welcome his perspective.  Besides that, this trip cost us much less than a beach getaway would have and there were no complaints there!

After mulling over a few different locations we decided on Indianapolis.  It's relatively close to where we live in Ohio and has plenty of options to keep us all occupied and happy (trust me, there will be more posts about that - it would be wrong to keep all those jewels from you).  So, I started doing some web searches on things we could do while in town.  Our family loves sporting events so I started there.  Of course they have our usual go-tos this time of year, basketball and baseball, but I wanted to do something different.  What other options did we have? In a matter of seconds I had my answer... ice hockey! Guys, I had no idea Indianapolis had a hockey team.  Bonus, they were playing a home game while we planned to be in town.  Since our son, Jagger, had never been to an ice hockey game, we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to change that.  Fingers crossed, tickets would be affordable.  I have to say, I was beyond pleasantly surprised to find the ticket prices very reasonable and prime seats still available.  Perfect!

Then, as I was exploring their website I realized we were extra lucky because the game we were going to also happened to be Family Day.  This meant that Jagger would get to meet players and get signatures.  Yippee! I knew he'd love that and it always makes me happy when I know we are making extra special memories.  

When game day came we were all stoked.  To make things even more special The Indy Fuel was playing The Cincinnati Cyclones.  Oh my, who to root for?! We chose Indy since we were visiting their city and don't really follow hockey anyway.  We had plans to get to the game early, but that didn't really work out.  We're always running late and even though it makes Kevin crazy, I can't seem to get anywhere early. Whoops! It was no problem though.  Parking was a breeze, as was entry into the arena.  We easily found our seats and were in place before the game officially began.  And boy am I glad we were.  It was magical! The sound of skates on ice and hockey sticks hitting the puck.  The look on Jag's face as the players pushed and shoved.  Not to mention all the excitement in the air.  This is why we go on adventures like this.  This is why we love sports.  No words can capture that feeling!   

By the end of the first quarter we were ready for a beer and some snacks.  I mean, what's a sporting event without checking out the vendors? Here's where I guess I should make a confession, you know that gluten free thing I love so much? I tossed it to the wind for the time being (I am the contradiction queen after all).  I couldn't imagine a hockey game without a draft beer and since I don't have celiac I saw no reason to deprive myself that day.  My philosophy.. travel is for fun and sporting events are no time to be watching every bite (or drink) you take.  Let your hair down and be free! 

First stop, the concession to get the candy Jagger had been eyeing since arrival.  His choice? Mike and Ike with a bottled water.  Smart kid - he didn't want a stomach ache from sugary candy AND a sugary drink.  Next up, the bar.  We just happened to be sitting right below a fancy full service option, so we stopped for our brewskis on the way back to our seats.  I got a lighter locally brewed cream ale and Kevin opted for a little darker version.  After half a beer I was ready for some food.  Let's face it, I'm almost always ready for food.  The options were many, but I knew EXACTLY what I wanted.  Much like Jagger and his candy, I had visions of ooey, gooey nachos from the second I saw that little shiny cart on our way in.  

Kevin offered to go grab them on the next break and I gladly took him up on it.  When he returned my eyes couldn't believe what they saw.  It was a pile of delectable foodie heaven.  I wish I had a photo to share, but honestly they looked so good that I didn't even take a second before diving in (next time, I promise!).  He got all my favorite toppings - guacamole, salsa, beans, cheese sauce, jalapeños, and shredded cheese.  He doctored his half a little differently adding chicken and sour cream.  While I didn't taste the chicken I must admit, I did steal some of his sour cream.  So good!

Part way through the game a puck came flying into our section.  The guy in front of us caught it, so I asked him if Jag could look at it (he had been asking me about the pucks earlier).  Just as I was promising him that we would give it right back, he told Jagger to keep it.  How sweet is that?! See people, kindness does still exist.  Well, that made Jagger's day, and mine, to be quite honest.  

Before long the game was over and it was time to meet the players.  Jagger is not a skater and didn't want to brave the ice, so I wasn't sure how he was going to touch base with the team, but like any good mom I wasn't giving up on the possibility.  On a mission, I spotted someone who looked important and made my way toward him.  All it took was a quick word with him and they made sure Jagger was taken care of.  He told us exactly where to go and what to say in order for Jagger to get his chance at meeting a player or two.  Then, went the extra mile to say if I had any problems to come back and he'd personally make sure it was taken care of.  Wow, what service! Another thing I just loved, was that the players were carrying black and silver sharpies for signing.  I can't tell you how many times Jag's wanted a signature and I've had to fumble around for a pen that doesn't even work, or ask someone nearby to borrow theirs.  The silver sharpies also meant they had the means to sign right on Jag's puck, which was very cool.  So, even though we weren't prepared, they were and that counts for something.  On our way out we saw another player, Vance, who took the time to talk to Jagger, take a picture, and sign his puck.  What a great experience! And to think, we did all of this for under $175 is pretty neat.  Now, I know that isn't exactly "cheap," but in comparison to what we have spent on other professional sporting events, I would say it was quite a deal! Oh, and about us choosing to root for The Fuel, it turned out to be a great choice because they won! Go Fuel!!!