Contradiction Queen

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A Dreamy Spring Dinner for a Wintry March Night

Confession:  I have a love affair with Trader Joe's Soy Chorizo.  It's full of flavor, vegan, and gluten free.  Plus, there are so many options for dressing it up and down, making it sweet or savory, and eating for breakfast, lunch or dinner.  It's truly become an obsession.  So, when I was looking for something to throw together for dinner the other night I was beyond excited to find some in the fridge.  

I was craving something hearty and somehow simultaneously light and nutritious all at once.  I instinctively knew the soy chorizo would do the trick.  Between springing forward (who has an extra hour of sleep to spare, seriously?) and the ever-changing weather, the transition from winter to spring always has my body in a bit of an uproar.  So, I always find myself putting extra attention into staying grounded this time of year.  Since our digestive system is tied to everything, food is one way I strive to achieve this balance.  When my digestion is on track sleep and mood follow. 

With the days becoming warmer and the evenings still cool and crisp I wanted something warming for dinner that also embraced the transition to spring and all the earth is bringing forth this time of year.  Here in Ohio March can be freezing one minute and pleasant the next.  So, giving my body a mixture of warming and cooling foods, hearty and light, is a reflection of the inner and outer balance I am looking to achieve during the shift.  Of course I wanted to tantalize my taste buds too (nobody gets excited by a bland dinner), so I created lots of flavor through spices and fresh, organic produce.  This dish also allows those of us on a high salt diet, as part of our wellness plan, to salt liberally once it’s prepared without masking all the flavors that are being showcased.  This is a big bonus for me because I want everyone at my table to enjoy their meal while getting what they need nutritionally speaking.   So, I don’t want to over-salt everyone else’s food, nor do I want to over-season it just to mask the extra salt I add to mine at the table.  So, this recipe provides a great balance for those households that have different nutritional requirements and still want to share a meal.  And, while it contains no meat I have been reassured that meat eaters find it extremely satisfying as well.

As a (mostly) vegan, ok (mostly) vegetarian, living with three chronic conditions, a current gastroparesis flare, and a family that includes a growing boy, I pay attention to the mix of foods on our plate.  Soft foods are easier for me to process when I’m dealing with gastroparesis and the spices in this dish are simultaneously stimulating and calming to the stomach.  I was out of ginger (which is purifying and calming) or that would on this list of ingredients as well.  So, feel free to add a little on your own! The lentils, and soy chorizo both pack a punch with loads of plant-based protein, a welcomed addition with our active lifestyle.  This dish is also high in fiber, which is great for the general population, but can sometimes aggravate gastroparesis.  So, if you are having issues with high fiber content you can always use white rice and decrease the amount of lentils in this dish.  Peeling the sweet potato will help as well.  Personally, I find the spices I chose help me process the fiber with more ease, so maybe experiment with that and always do what is best for you! 

As a side note, if you use a different brand of soy chorizo (or the real thing) you may find that you want to switch up the spice measurements.  Vegetarian meat substitutes tend to be seasoned differently depending on the brand.  Tasting as you go and making adjustments accordingly will ensure your meal is perfectly seasoned for you and those you are sharing with.  Enjoy!  



Soy Chorizo Stew with Lentils and Rice

Serves 4



1 Large Organic Sweet Potato, cubed

1 Bunch Organic Baby Spinach

2 Cups Chopped Red Cabbage

½ Package Soy Chorizo (I used Trader Joe’s – It’s Vegan and Gluten Free)

I Cup Organic Lentils

2 Cloves Garlic

½ tsp Mustard Seeds

¼ - ½ tsp Cumin Seeds

½ tsp Fennel

¾ tsp Paprika

¼ tsp Coriander

¼ tsp Cinnamon

¼ tsp Crushed Red Pepper

Sesame Seed Oil

Salt, to taste



1 Package Frozen Brown Rice (I used Trader Joe’s – a couple of cups freshly cooked rice may be substituted instead)

1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar

Mint Leaves, Chopped

Salt, to taste


Cube sweet potatoes. Place in large pot of salted, boiling water.  Return to boil and cook for 7-10 minutes. 

Meanwhile add lentils and 2-3 cups water to small saucepan and bring to low boil.  Reduce heat to medium and allow to simmer 10-15 minutes. 

Drain sweet potatoes and return to pot.  Add spices and enough sesame oil to lightly coat bottom of pan.  Once spices begin to dance in the pot add garlic and cabbage.  Allow this to cook for a few minutes to soften.  Then add soy chorizo.  Mix all ingredients, including cooked lentils, and allow flavors to incorporate for several minutes.  Add spinach a couple of minutes before serving.  This will allow it to wilt into the dish without becoming overcooked.

Prepare rice according to package instructions.   Once cooked place in bowl, add mint, salt, and apple cider vinegar, and lightly stir to incorporate.

Drizzle stew with agave to add a hint of sweetness.  Give it a good stir. 

Plate by topping rice with stew or serve side by side.