Make Room for Imperfection
As I shared in Unconditional Acceptance I have been practicing the art of accepting all. I'm talking the good, the bad, and the ugly. As part of this practice I made an intention to focus my awareness more fully on the details of my life. As you can imagine, this highlighted both the beauty and the imperfection within and around. As I practiced breathing in every. single. thing. a little phrase came to me. "Make room for imperfection." What relief! Here I was, taking in beauty, yes, but also all that was "wrong" in my life, practicing accepting it, and simultaneously becoming aware that maybe there really was a lot of shit to get straight. Then, just as I was beginning to feel the overwhelm, the divine showed up with her abundant wisdom and let the overachieving little girl in me off the hook. Thank goodness!
Actually, as I write those words now, make room for imperfection, I can't help but laugh. See, there is a deep seated part of me that completely believes everything is just as it should be... Crazy shit and all. Still, there is this other, more controlling part of me, that sees imperfection and instinctively wants to shine it up. This need to change things is as old as I can remember and a piece of my self that I'm learning to observe without action. She is the little girl in me that believed perfection was the only way to receive love and adoration. She is heavy with the burden of cleaning everything up and really just wants to go play. Thankfully, through the years I have learned that this little girl may be a piece of me but she is not all of me. I have been taught through the great angels in my life that I am worthy of love and adoration even in my messiest moments. So, when this little girl feels she needs to step up and change things, I'm especially grateful for the reminder from spirit to make room. And then, when I receive the reminder I can see the vast expanse waiting for me to simply enjoy. You see, when I'm in that space of noticing how wrong everything is, it feels awful. On the flip side, when I consciously notice the beauty around me, no matter what is happening externally, I feel radiant.
So how do I make room for imperfection and amplify the radiance? I've found it always comes back to gratitude. When I find myself noticing all the things that feel "wrong" I know I need to make a shift. For me, appreciation is the easiest way to do that. Why? Because when I am in a space of appreciation and gratitude I am connected to the divinity in me and divinity can't help but be radiant. Also, if you stop and think about it, it is impossible to simultaneously be in a space of appreciation and also a space of noticing all that needs changed. Therefore, gratitude instantly raises our vibration. One way I activate this shift is to consciously think about three or four things, people, or situations I have deep appreciation for. Anything works, whether large or small, as long as it conjures true gratitude and appreciation. During this time, I take a few minutes to really feel the appreciation throughout my body and to connect with the source of all greatness. At some point during this practice I feel my energy shift. That's where the magic happens - when the little girl releases her burden and begins to twirl in the sun. I usually sit for a bit longer, feeling the awesomeness of it all and then, when I feel complete, I open my eyes and am ready to move within the world, as a complete woman once again. This practice reminds me of my true nature and all the greatness that is life, even in its imperfect state. With that, the few frustrations along the way become more insignificant and I gain clarity about how to handle the bigger issues.
Also, it helps to acknowledge that in truth things are always perfect, no matter what our judgment says. So, let's not discount the gift of imperfection. Yes, I said gift. There is abundant wisdom in the orchestration of the universe. All the great spiritual teachings tell us that ultimately all that is happening is here for our elevation. From my observation this takes place in both the individual and collective realms. If you struggle with this idea and want to experiment with opening to it perhaps think back to something you judged as "bad" in your life that has now been resolved. Now, close your eyes, clear your mind, and ask yourself how that situation served you. The answer may come immediately or it may take some time. Just be open and allow it to unfold. If you're feeling brave you may even choose to ask yourself how a current difficult situation is serving you. My guess is, you'll be enlightened and maybe even freed by the wisdom that comes. This is the way of the universe. It only wants to teach us (and I believe seeks to teach us through love). From this point of view, we may begin to see that every experience we have is here for our benefit. When we look at things from this perspective we can shift from a state of blaming and darkness into owning our power and light. So, in my experience, allowing (what I judge as) imperfect to play out eventually brings greater awareness and blessing to the space I am occupying. Sometimes this requires a great deal of patience and other times it's fairly easy to let go of the control and observe.
So why put in all this work? Because I want a life of joy, ease, and abundance! I want to feel good.. body, mind, and spirit. I want to awaken the parts of me that are lying dormant. I want to live vibrantly. I want the little girl in me to release her burden and play! And honestly, while it does take attention and a little bit of time, I don't look at it as work. I look at this as living my best life. All the internal reflection is a form of self care. These practices allow me to navigate with greater purpose and a broader view. So, it really makes life a lot more enjoyable. If you too are on a journey of self empowerment and greater ease, maybe give some of these ideas a try and let me know how it worked for you!